Apr 24, 2012 01:33
Every once in awhile, I revisit the horse-related corner of the internet, and two things happen: (1) I thank my lucky stars I didn't have more horrific accidents during my prelim-level eventing days, and (2) I find a new and horrifying form of animal abuse.
Today, I learned about the practice of soring at Big Lick Tennessee Walking Horse shows, in which corrosive chemicals, heavy chains, and horrifying shoes that gouge into the sensitive part of the hoof are applied to horses' forelegs. The resulting excruciating pain causes the horses to lift their forelegs very high and very quickly, and to shift their weight onto their back legs 'till they look like german shepherds. Because that unnaturally exaggerated gait gets the blue ribbon.
I also learned about horse tripping events in charreadas, or mexican rodeos, in which horses are forced to gallop full-tilt into lassos that loop around their legs, flinging them into the ground, where they usually sustain injuries to legs, faces, backs, and necks. The ropes frequently cut through skin and flesh to the bone. If they can still walk, they're put through this over and over in the same day until they're severely lamed. Afterwards, they're sold to slaughterhouses. Because it's apparently fun to watch, and because it's extra macho to bring down a 1200 pound animal.
Wooooo humanity is super fucked up. I'm going to bed.