Focusing on a Good New Year

Jan 03, 2006 21:34

So far things have been looking well.

I toasted off the New Year with my lovely friends heatherthegreat, aethyrflux and todfox, drinking a wine that translates to "Cellar of the Devil". It just seemed appropriate.
We had gone down to First Night, where I was a little late. I missed the parade, which sounded like it was a blast, but I still got to see Sangre del Sol perform their fire show out there. We saw them agian out at Jen Ayer's Through the Looking Glass party. In both places I ran into old friends, including my friends George and Julie who are apparently expecting (*congratulations!*) and a whole group of the Chupas, including Circus Boy.
My only regret was in not dancing more. For some odd reason, dancing is something that I have been wanting to do lately...but I'm sure I will at the Aquarius party later this month.

Yesterday my fabulous lover came and suprised me with bubble tea and spent the morning with me before he had to go in to work.

I've been working out the plans to start building a deck in my parents' back yard. My friend Gary is coming over on Thursday and we're going to drink and make plans. Hopefully I can get him to kick start our friend Steve into calling me and getting together for more explosives play.
Tristan came up with another great idea for Flipside, involving the use of squibs with lots and lots of blood. I am, of course, very down for this.
I'd like to start planning and getting my resources together.

My birthday wish: lots and lots of black powder.

Over the span of some phone conversations today I have planned with capsaicinoid to hang out tomorrow and brew some beer. I'm really excited about the fact that I'll be brewing my first batch of beer before I even turn twenty one. We were also talking about climbing, which prompted me to use the dremel that Tristan gave me to write my name "Pirate Kitty" into my carribeaner. I can't wait to climb.

Last night I went with aethyrflux to Games Night where I got to see some old friends from Synapthein. I spent a lot of time there talking to our host, Aaron, about film, lighing, sound, music, photography, etc etc. I was playing with my new camera, taking random silly pictures of my friends, and Aaron started teaching me about my camera. He lent me a couple of books on photography, and talking to him reminded me yet again how much I love to model; something that Tristan and I are talking about doing together.

So, current projects: plan out and build a deck, brew beer, learn knots needed to climb, make cool stuff with my new dremel.
Soon future projects: blow shit up, model, go climbing, possibly learn piano.
Ongoing projects (stay focused): violin, punk up clothing & sew more, balancing finances & set up an IRA.

Sometime probably this month Tristan will be promoted to Supervisor and will have a day schedule again, for the first time in over half a decade! I can't fucking wait! :) We'll finally be able to spend crazy amounts of time together.
Fuck, I love this year. Everything's going to be so goddamn shiny.

research, badassyness

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