
Jul 18, 2005 14:39

I didn't make it to the Pirates VS Sea Creatures Rampage on sunday, but I can't complain.

Friday was Jason's Chocolate Factory party, where I got to crawl through the body of a giant catapillar and bounce in a train. We also smashed open a pinata that was shaped like the fish Nemo, where pieces of the fins came appart and candy came flying out at everyone. There was a chocolate fountain and watermelon that had been soaked in rum. Delicious :)

Saturday was the Insect party at the Pink Palace. I ended up dressing as a horned beetle with my shorter horns that I had made before Flipside, and the new knee high buckle boots that I have. Ohh how I love my new boots!
I met a girl there who made my night. kreneezoner caught a picture of us kissing on the dance floor ::blush::
I went back to Doryan's place where we met up with Kelly and ate spicey macaroni shells and cheese. Nice ending to the night. Then we all crashed and woke up at severely various times, where when I woke up I found the Kelly had already taken off to the Pirate Rampage.

So sunday when I woke up Doryan lent me a sarong to wear with my tube top (there was no way I was going to wear the increadibly tiny skirt for another day) and we went to the Crown and Anchor and drank the morning away and ate (veggie)burgers and nachos. We talked like pirates to make up for the fact that we were too wasted to make it to the lake... I think we made very good use of our pirateyness. We ended up renting some films, where I finally got to see the Chronicles of Riddick, then we went to Barton and Sara's place and saw pieces of 2046 and Six String Samurai, and watched all of Shaolin Soccer.
Nothing to top of a great day of being a pirate like kung fu!

So today I woke up again after passing out at Doryan's, then finally took myself home. The shower felt something terrific.


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