Fuck Drama

Jun 21, 2005 00:49

Here's my mass appology to all of you for the drama of my last post.

I'm Sorry.

Now other than that... I'd like to just get on with my fucking life, what do you think?
I've got way too fucking much going on to even bother with the whole "I'm too depressed to go on..." bullshit.

We all know that, yes, the guy I really liked and believed was my boyfriend is a commited liar. No point in that anymore...
I won't be dating for at least four months or so to evaluate myself in the area of diseases and all that shit... Wow, not to mention that I'm just sick of trying with the motherfuckers out there, and am really sick of dating.

So here are the GOOD things that have been happening to me lately...

Saturday night was the Gemini party.
I had a fucking blast, 'till, we all know why I left.

I ran into SEVERAL awesome friends that aren't normally associated with the burner crowd, at least as I knew them.
I got to see pinkflesh17, which I had been dying to do for weeks now.
I got to see John Hogan, who played his guitar in the kitchen of the house for us and sang my new favorite drinking song about the lusty busty waitress...I've picked up on one of the verses now.
I got in touch with circus boy Tim, who finally got my number, and said that he'd call me, although he told me so as I was leaving in tears, so I don't know if he feels blown off or not. Hope not, he's cool.
I saw my friend Thomas, I got to spank calamityjune (I love her ass, woo hoo!), I got a hug from navi_cat" that felt really fucking good, I got to touch dreads...Arashi's dreads... Hey, I haven't touched dreads since my ex Ifaniike...

Then, yesterday, Frank took me and Jason to a barbeque, where they had a suprising amount of vegetarian food. Afterwards I was checking email to see all of you loverly people who had responded to my last and very dramatic post, and I ran into my old old friend Matt Thrond, who used to be my study buddy in highschool (when he was in collage).
We went for coffee at Spide House that night, and I got to run into the beautiful Geneva, my best friend from highschool, middle school, you name it. She ran off to collage, but has been back for some time, and gawd damn, we just needed to run into eachother again.

That's a good majority of the good news. That and mrfang. He's good news.


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