Focused Inward

Dec 04, 2006 10:53

Sorry, been out of circuit for a few...
Okay, so here's the last three weeks all wrapped up in a nut shell...filibert...

Two and three weeks ago I spent partying a lot, particularly with my friend Josh, who I had met at burning man this year.
I made closer connections to the amazing DeLeon family, who were holding all of the benefits/dance parties to raise money in honor of Aaron, who passed away very recently.
Thanks again to calamityjune for lending me her fabulous goat costume for the fashion show last week! - I still need to return this!

For T-Day Josh and I party hopped, a holiday that I had never party hopped before. The experience was like no other. No extravagent costumes and expectations from the party-goers, but rather an honest, fat-bellied welcome into the homes of our friends.
The day previous I made twelve pun'kin pies from scratch with the lovely post_pedestal. -

I've missed going to EFT for the past two weeks.
The WHOLE of last week I didn't leave the house but to see my chiropractor and get my car fixed.
I've stopped hanging out with Josh because we are mutually busy, and because I have been focusing internally and am currently reconstructing my true goals and working on developing a Happiness Manifesto.

Fuck all the party was a good release, as is needed every few, but I have some serious hermit house cleaning to get through. There's no telling when work will bang back up again, though there are no good rumours for next year yet, so I have to save my money, my energy, focus, and plan.

Fact is, I'm not entirely satisfied with the way this year went. I made a lot of hasty decisions and compensated in in one direction to be helpful and lenient for others, when I really put my back out of place and wasn't following my own path.
Now, instead, I am taking the opportunity of this peace between work, relationships and incredibly large social events, to focus internally on what my goals in life are, so instead of giving and not feeling satisfied and becoming drained, I can instead reintegrate my talents into the community, and use my gifts to give to others.

Who ever gets the chance? This is a perfect opportunity for me to refocus my goals and think of myself. I consider myself very lucky for this time to realign.

So speaking of projects where I can give my gifts and feel a great return... *grin*
I'm gonna play violin with Hipnautica!!
-More news to come on that later!

Ohh...and just because I can't leave it out...
Did David bloody Mack actually make a reply in my post three weeks ago???
That one threw me through a loop...

Alright, well, in other news, I can now Hula Hoop!
I've been doing shitloads of neurotransmitter research, which I might post if anyone might be interested...pretty cool stuff if you ask me...
My new favorite kitchen tool is a dehydrator. I'll be posting on 43things about that one soon enough...
My cat Peter is in the last stages of his life and I wish that he'd stop hiding under my bed and trying to die there!
I will gladly recommend the wine Woop Woop, an Australian Shiraz, year 2005, which I have been slowly working on lately. - It's so good not to be an alcoholic (I mean, be in a miserable relationship that you're trying to numb out).
Also, I have discovered since seeing my fabulous and caring chiropractor, that a great deal of the pain in my hips, bum, the pressure point in my upper back and all of my neck tension and upper nape headaches are all caused by the way that I sit at this computer in my cramped little room...

introspection, holiday, stuff

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