Life, As of Late

Sep 13, 2007 23:42

It's been a very long time, hasn't it?

My summer has been so-so. If I were to grade my summer, it would get a solid C. I'll try to summarize:

- Stage managed (successfully, thank you!) Mary Stuart in Schiller Park
- Assistant stage managed King Lear in Schiller Park
- Went on a SCUBA trip with my Dad, Albie and Cass to Saba, Statia and St. Kitts
- Went to Toronto/Toronto Pride with Carlos, yay!
- Saw Evil Dead: The Musical. YAY! Look who's evil now... (in TO)
- Saw The Lion King: The Musical (in Cleveland, with Carlos and my parents)
- Worked for the Department of Theatre as Asst. to the Production Coordinator.
- Worked, as well, for the Department's main office
- Took summer classes
- Got two A's!
- Completed my GEC - Issues of the Contemporary World class
- Got course credit for revamping the Department's stage management computer profile
- Moved to a new apartment (love it) with Carlos (love him) which is North Campus (awesome!)

I bet I did other things. I didn't hang out or party too terribly much. At times, I was working three jobs and taking classes. I kept busy, but not in terribly fun ways. I did go to Red, White, and Boom! with Lindsay and Jeff (and other people?), which was really fun. That stands out in my mind. I made it home a few times -- not many, not enough. Lindsay and I, I think it was last week, went out my dad's new boat with him, which was fun. What else? Who knows! Stuff.

Even better than what's been done this summer is what I'm doing currently, will be doing soon, and have lined up for this year. Including:

- Currently stage managing a production with an incredibly talented team of designers, actors and technicians, which is a ghost play, and also an outreach-partnership with the Upper Arlington High School; hopefully, I'll be managing a team of high school students and have a few shadows learning exactly what it is I do.
- Will be stage managing, winter quarter at Ohio State, The Labyrinth of Desire -- directed by Jimmy Bohr! He has an Emmy. Oh, shiny.
- Will be graduating, with any luck, at the end of winter quarter!
- If everything pans out, I'll be on my way to a stage management internship or MFA program at the end of next summer!
- I'll be going to Australia to SCUBA dive for a week; then have a land vacation with the whole fam for a week.
- My cousin Kate and I may go on a celebratory trip somewhere exciting?

So. After this quarter -- 19 credit hours -- I only have 3 more classes to take and I'm D-O-N-E with all my GEC/degree requirements!

Mostly importantly, and most exciting, my plans for next week?


What are we doing? For starters...

- We're attending a taping of The Colbert Report on Tuesday!
- We have VIP tickets to The Daily Show on Wednesday!!
- We're going to try our damndest to see two (Off) Broadway shows!
- We're staying in Staten Islaaand. :) Taking the ferry every day, woo!
- Going to Times Square, Central Park, art museums, and who knows what else!

Sure, we're skipping some school, but hell, it's worth it. The trip came about when I got tickets online to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart for the 19th. :) While out to lunch during work, I mentioned it to the Chair of our Department, who then contacted Jill Katz (the executive producer of the Daily Show) and got us VIP passes -- the Daily Show was hosted by the Department of Theatre last year for a week, and our Chair told me he wants to "maintain a good relationship with the show" -- so Lindsay and I are kind of ambassadors for the University. And, it came as a HUGE surprise when today, I checked on the Colbert Report's website and there were tickets available for the 18th, when we're in town!!! So, we'll be attending both tapings and I am SO DAMN EXCITED... I attended one of the Daily Show tapings last year, when they came to OSU, but I'm so pumped to see it in New York, AND to see the Colbert Report.

So. Check back... I'll post pictures and stuff from the trip soon. Honest.

And then, back to school, back to rehearsals, and back to life... which keeps getting more exciting. More expensive, but more exciting.

Random Life Revelation: I want to go to London. In fact, I want to work in London.

life, summer, the colbert report, the daily show, nyc

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