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It is FINALLY recess week! Like woah, 1 term has ended!
And it's already October, we're in the final quarter of the year bitches! So on Thursday I stayed back in school to study since my test was on Friday, when the boy decided to just really activate my bitch mode. Admitted that I got a little mad luh but I was okay by the time I reached Pioneer station and I just wanted to sleep all the way to Pasir Ris just so I could calm down a little from all that stress.
He was really apologetic about it but I just wasn't in the mood to entertain anybody. Said he was gonna come over and send me food (because as always, I forgot to eat/something to that extent) but I arrived the east earlier than he expected so he told me to just study hard and rest early, moreover I added that it really wasn't necessary.
Then I received a whatsapp at 11 from him to tell me to go down. I didn't check my phone till 10 minutes later (it was on silent) and he sent another saying that he'd leave first and won't bother me but told me to go down anyway. Sooooooooo... I went down and he left a Starbucks's peanut butter stack and my ultimate weakness, gong cha. He even bought a curly wurly winnie the pooh straw that just made me feel like I was 5 all over again!
He braved the rain just to send me that, a thank you text wouldn't suffice so I hid the stuff upstairs and called him and asked where was he. He wouldn't tell me so I just blatantly lied that I couldn't find anything that he left me and after a while I could sense the worry growing in his voice and he showed up later. ;D
Still grinning to myself now thinking about it.
I think our honeymoon period's sort of over already, as in, finally we're starting to piss each other off. But I guess nothing too serious that can't be worked out, or held inside for a long time. (:
On Friday I went to visit my grandparents immediately after my paper, and my King cooked a feast fit for a princess like me!
I can safely say I am my grandfather's favourite, no questions about that. (:
And on Friday night I slept over at the boy's place! Such an awesome weekend! I think it's damn nice to cuddle after 1 week of no cuddling! ;D Heh heh.
Thanks for making my Sunday such a beautiful one! (Let's just forget about what happened before that okay (; ) In fact, thank you for making everyday beautiful! You are definitely an uh-may-zeeeeng person in my eyes.
I've had quite a number of things running through my mind now that I've got the time. (Not much, but still counts) I kind of know that a little over one month may be too quick to say such romance-y cheesy puke-inducing stuff, but ever get that feeling that someone may just be THAT right person for you?
It's a little bit scary, just letting yourself fall freely at 9.81 meters per squared seconds.
I wouldn't say I've been through a lot. I'm sure there are worse situations out there, but I think I've been through quite a fair amount to make judgements of situations, enough to be traumatised, enough to be skeptical. Still finding it a little bit challenging to really believe in the "True Love Lasts Forever" kind of idea, funny coming from someone who grew up loving Disney Movies, and still am a sucker for them.
Yet again I'm finding it hard to believe that I've found someone this close to being well... perfect for me. Not perfect, but just everything I might ever need/want. I think he's managed to reach somewhere and pull out all those emotions that I've been trying to bury.
And I was afraid of letting him see that. I don't know whether was it cause I was afraid that he'd leave if he didn't like what he saw, or was afraid of being exploited because well, emotions are so raw and it just leaves a person feeling so vulnerable to anything and everything.
But hey, now that's one risk I'm willing to take right now. No pain no gain right?
Anywayyyyy, all the negativity aside, I'm pretty contented with what I have right now, and I just dropped a whole bomb-load of emotions on him. I couldn't find the right words to say on the spot but I think he got the idea of my message.
That I'm not in this for no reason, and that I'm starting to form a goal for me to work towards for the both of us. May or may not end up in marriage (I'm still not really settled into that idea yet), but I can imagine spending a long time with him and I really want to make that happen. I am willing to put in tremendous effort just to be lifelong partners, or something close to that.
It was nice just lying down side by side after that talking nonsense about the future and having a huge laugh about it even though we both know that well, it's just nonsense. Like childrens' names even though we both hate the idea of having children. And it was nice getting all that off my chest and knowing that it meant something to him. (He told me that! It made me smile widely!) It was nice being assured that me feeling all this wasn't really a one sided thing.
So yeap, end of cheesiness. Stay tuned for more!
Love you always, all ways Sailor! :D