Live For Something or Die For Nothing

Sep 21, 2012 02:49

Quite a draining day. Felt like crap first thing when I woke up and I just dragged myself through my first half of the day. Thanks so much KK for hearing me rant out.

The day got a little bit better as it neared the end. I really tried to distract myself by focusing all my energy on studying, sadly there's only so much brain capacity at this tender age. Stayed in school till 9.30 with Daryl and Aliya to study and it just brought back a lot of familiarity and nostalgia from last semester's killer circuits paper.

Soooo, made my way home and by the time I got home it was already 11.30. And I was already feeling so fucking dead beat and getting ready to crash when Hk, who was texting me, asked whether I reached home.

"Yeah, I just stepped through my door."
"How come I never see you?!"
"Huh you're downstairs meh?"
"Find out yourself."
"Confirm bluff me leh."
"Up to you to believe."

True enough, I went down and found him there with a box of macarons. Cheesy but I like.

Was telling him that I really never expected to receive any form of deliveries ever because the last time that happened was when I was with my first boyfriend. And we both just laughed. I mean I obviously didn't see a deserving reason for such a sweet gesture, I just merely said I'm burnt out from all that studying but then again I've been burnt out so many times and I've managed to pull through all of them on my own, and with the support of my friends.

That's the only deserving reason I can see so far. And when he Left my place he just left me a text saying something like "a little something to keep you going.". (: awwwwwh, thank you b.

I'm feeling really really really glad that he's trying to push our honeymoon over a longer period of time and I really appreciate it. I feel so blessed luh, I really don't deserve such kindness. (: and he's doing a really great job at whatever's he doing now.

Always, all ways my b.

Okay getting really sleepy scared I'll start to type nonsense.

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