Thinking about changes.

Mar 22, 2009 19:28

Overall things are going well and getting better. In the meantime been giving some food for thought.

Given the way things have been before, and with recent events, I am going to be taking alcohol completely out of my life for awhile.
Not for good, I still like my drink, however I need a break from it. I'm getting to think that taking anything altering at this stage in my life may not be the best of things.
I let myself go a few times recently when it came to drinking, and drinking enough to get drunk and/or tipsy. Though I was a happy drunk for the most part, I have made a few people concerned. This last time dredged up a lot of bullcrap that I thought I had laid to rest or at the very least thought I had a handle on. It has me concerned about keeping control over my life and my affairs. So I am going to stay off of the sauce for quite awhile. How long, I do not know. When I do go back to drinking, I will be keeping it to my one drink limit per outing again and nothing further. It won't bode well for my upcoming b-day party and for the times I go out drinking with the various crews I run with. However would much rather be in control overall than sliding back to places I don't want to be.

I've also come to realize that I still have some serious stress issues that are effecting my life. I have decided that I am going to take some new measures to put it to rest. I've been doing better when it comes to stress, however it still is effecting me and is something I need to deal with better. If anyone has suggestions on helping to hack chronic stress, I am all ears.

It is my goal to be a better person and find ways to live a better life. Especially with all the crap going on these days.
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