(no subject)

Feb 17, 2008 21:04

Title:Jack's Back
Author: Harkness Girl
Paring: Jack/Ianto
Part: 1/1
Rating: None
Summary : Jack's back after his disappearance
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood the BBC do,
Spoilers: Takes place after End of Days, Beginning of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
A/N: This is very fluffy. This is how I would have done Jack's come back.

Jack walked into the Hub. .He looked around as he walked forward. Not much had changed. When he had been taken by the Master it was all different. The master brought him back here after he had killed them all. Fresh tears came to his eyes thinking about the screams of his team as the Master tortured them and killed them in front him. He had been powerless. He let his head drop to his chest .While he had been away he had thought thought a lot of things. His relationship with Ianto, his relationship with Gwen. He was fascinated with Gwen but until he was with the Doctor he did not know why. She reminded him of Rose. Sweet Rose. He smiled at the thought of her. The team probably thought he was in love with her. He was but not in a romantic way. Ianto. His insides tightened immediately at the thought of the young man's voice and body. He heard footsteps behind him . He spun around. He saw him. Top button undone and tie half way down his chest. This was not the person he knew. Ianto saw Jack.

"Jack" it was more like a whisper that escaped his lips. Jack smiled. He didn't know what else to say. He still didn't know how long he had been gone for. Ianto walked towards him. His eyes were all watery. He put his hand on Jack's cheek.

"I didn't know if you were coming back" Ianto whispered. Jack slipped his hands around the Welshman's body and hugged him. He heard Ianto sob against his chest.

" I came back for you" Jack said into his ear. Ianto stood up straight. He was smiling. Jack wiped away the tears. Ianto kissed him. It was full of passion. Jack was shocked. It was usually him that kissed Ianto first not the other way round. Minutes later they parted panting. They looked into each others eyes. Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto's neck.

"JACK!" He turned towards the scream just in time to be jumped on by Gwen.He laughed out loud. He hugged Gwen and placed her back on the floor.

" What, Where did you go?" She exclaimed. Tosh ran towards him the same as Gwen. Everyone was smiling. Owen walked towards Jack and placed out his hand. Jack grabbed it and brought Owen towards him to give him a hug. At first Owen just stood there but he did finally wrap his hands around the older man's body.

"Where did you go?" Gwen asked again as Owen and Jack let go of each other.

" I found my Doctor" Jack answered

" Oh i'm not good enough for you know am I" Owen said with a smile on his face

" Did he help you Jack?" Tosh inquired

" Not in the way that I wanted to be helped" Jack sighed

" You still cant die then?" Ianto asked. Jack shook his head. There was silence in the hub.

" Looks like I'm going to be around for a long time annoying you guys then" Jack laughed. Everyone moved towards him and gave him a hug. A group hug. His team. The master didn't beat him. He cant beat him, he was home with the people he loved. He smiled.

"Right guys, drinks on me " Jack shouted. There were lots of shouts. Jack took Ianto hand and entwined their fingers. He smiled as the Torchwood team walked out of the cog door all back together again

Please comment if you like it!
( This is not been checked by a Beta so if you see any mistakes please tell me, Thanks.)

torchwood, janto

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