(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 21:03

Title: Who is she? (1/?)
Author: Harkness Girl
Rating: 13
Paring:Jack/Ianto inclined
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Torchwood I wish I did but the BBC do
Summary: Owen meets a woman in a bar

I want to say a big thankyou to Ladyfiresprite for betaing my fanfic. Hope you enjoy it.

When he saw her enter the pub he could not believe his eyes. She was beautiful. He was not the only one staring at her and it was obvious by the way she looked around the room that this was not the first time she’d been looked at longingly any man. She saw him, smiled, and walked over to him.

"Is this seat taken?”

"No.” He looked up and down the length of her body. He couldn’t help it. She sat down and leaned over towards him.

"You do realize you aren’t using your “elevator eyes” discretely." she whispers to him

"It’s one of my bad points. I’m never discrete." He grins back.

She sat up and held out her hand, "Danielle Walsh."

He put his hand out shook her hand in return, "Dr. Owen Harper."

"A doctor, huh?" She gave him a knowing smirk.

The barman came over. Owen pointed towards himself and Danielle and nodded. The barman went away and brought back half a scotch

for Owen and a glass of red wind for Danielle. She nodded her thanks.

He sipped his scotch, "Do you have a particular interest in Doctors?"

She laughed and smiled at him, "No it’s just that I’m a doctor.” After a beat she decided to go on, “So where do you work?"

He couldn't resist it. He tried, but with the urge inside of him, he could not stop, "Torchwood.” She could not stop the surprise on her face.

His eyes were open wide with what he had done. How the hell was he going to explain this to Jack? Even though he was so surprised with

what he had said he didn’t miss that look of shock on her face like she was with familiar the name.

"You know the name?" he finally asked.

"No, no, no. I thought it sounded like something else." She looked around the pub appearing incredibly nervous. She knew the name, he

knew she did, but could not ask any more questions as his phone suddenly went off. He looked at those beautiful eyes of hers and was

nearly distracted by the question still fresh in his mind. Owen urged himself to focus, reminding himself that it was because of those

beautiful eyes he was in enough shit at the moment.

"Yep. Hmmm. Yep. Meet you there." He clicked his phone shut.

"I'm sorry. I’ve got to go," he smiled.

She held out her hand, "It was very nice meeting you Dr. Harper." She smiled. She realized that she would be retconned in the next few

hours so she might as well enjoy it while she could.

"I hope I meet you again soon."

He smiled, “You too."

He got up and left £10 pounds on the bar. As he walked out he couldn't help but turn around and look at her. He was surprised and happy to

see that she was watching him.

When Owen left, she couldn't help but be worried. This little flirtation could backfire on the one person she never wanted to hurt. She knew he saw it: the surprise of him admitting he was with Torchwood. She could not decide whether it was the possibility of her being familiar with Torchwood that surprised him or the fact that he’d said the name out loud to a complete stranger. There were lots of scenarios running through her head. Should she go and stop Owen from telling the famous Captain Jack Harkness, should she just leave it and see if he did tell Jack, or, her least favourite scenario, did she wake up in the morning not knowing who she was? She could not help but let the groan escape from her lips. She decided to go home and see whether Torchwood is really as bad as she’d heard it was.

Owen could not get Danielle out of his head as he walked towards the yellow tape. Her fantastic curves, her beautiful smile. He couldn’t stop his lips from stretching into a smile. It was a feeling he was not used to. He’d always met women that were special, beautiful in different ways but Danielle was different and he did not know why. Then he saw Jack. That good feeling inside him faded. He didn't know whether to tell him. He might have been grateful that he’d let the name slip and it turned out she knew; but that was very unlikely. He showed his badge to the officer as he ducked underneath the yellow tape.

"Owen you decided to finally arrive," said Jack, sarcastically.

“Okay, okay. I got here as fast as I could."

"Guy found the body while walking his dog about two hours ago, called the police who realised there was something strange about it and called us." Jack looked at Owen, “Caught up?”

"Yeah thanks boss" Owen grinned. Even though he found Jack annoying a lot of the time, he was the only person who could make you smile when you were feeling down. He knelt down to look at the body. At first he could not see anything out of the ordinary with the body. He looked for Jack and saw him talking into his phone a few meters away. He had another look at the body - more thoroughly this time. He saw the gash marks around his neck - the main cause of death. He was about to stand up when he noticed that, strangely, there was no blood. Even though the gashes on the victim’s neck were deep, there was no blood anywhere around the body. He looked around in case the body had been moved from the place of death. Still no sign of anything of that nature. He got out his bag and took a scalpel and cut the victim's arm. Even though the blood was not still being pumped around the body, some blood should still come out. No blood came out. Owen was shocked. He has seen many strange things working for Torchwood: Weevils to weird weather patterns, but this really gave him shivers up his spine.

Jack had finished his phone call and turned round,

"So what's the conclusion, Doc?"

"There’s no blood."

"No offence Owen, but I could have told you that." Owen scowled at him.

"I’ll have to run more tests when we get back to the Hub to be certain."

"Okay. Gwen, Toshiko, Ianto,” he turned to address the rest of the team, “I’m going back with Owen to the Hub. You three finish up here then follow us.”

The group replied with a few grunts and some nodding. It had been a long day. Jack had sent everyone home earlier because they had been up for a day trying to catch two weevils that had come though the rift yesterday morning.

"You know what guys, when you’ve finished drop everything of at the hub and then go home. We’ll start again at 10 a.m. all chipper from a good night's rest. Okay?" he gave them his charming smile. Their replies were a bit more enthusiastic than the last ones.

"Come on Owen, let’s take him to his new home."

Danielle was sitting in their flat waiting for him to come in. Should she tell him that she met Owen Harper, or should she see if he said anything to her? She knew everything about Owen already, but she couldn't help feeling a bit upset that their conversation had been cut short. It was not the first time that a man had left her after an awkward moment .The feeling in her gut was telling her she should meet Owen again purposefully, but her head was telling her what a complete and utter stupid idea that would be. Her father had always told her to listen to her gut: “Whatever happens listen to your gut.” This time she could not listen to her father’s words. She leaned back on the sofa and let out a sigh. She wanted to wait until he got in. She needed to see him. It was 11:30 when he finally walked in. She turned around to look at him.

"Hey gorgeous." She leaned her head over the chair as he leaned and kissed her nose.

"Do anything interesting today?" she asked.

"You know the usual; ran around after two naked, ferocious animals."

"I hope you don’t mean your two male colleagues."

He smiled and laughed, "I'm going to bed, I’m exhausted. I’ll talk to you in the morning. Is that okay?" He put his head round the door.

"Sure." she turned her head round and nodded.

"Night Dani." He smiled and started walking to his room

"Night Ianto." she replied after him.
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