Jenny, Jenny, while you were the the character I was least invested in, what a way to go! You kicked ass and took prisoners. As for the team - OH BABIES! Don't worry you'll be together again! Franks was well used and Tony! It's not your fault! *cuddles* I wished we had seen a bit more of Ziva's reaction, as we know she and Jenny have been friends for a while, but it actually makes *sense* that they didn't show that because Ziva wouldn't so her emotions so openly. Keeps it bottled, that one.
The Tony & Ziva bits were nice, imho. The morgue scene. Wonderful. I like them. Now, even though I do have a tendency to ship them (they hit my kinks), I can admit I'm not always a fan of how they're handled, but when they're handled well they're On. Boy are they on. You can tell they genuinely care for each other and it's not just about sex. They love each other (and McGee - I love their Three Amigos relationship. When Tony was looking for someone to blame him and Tim says it wasn't his fault and then Ziva thanks him. Loved. Because it's how they work. Tripod.) they're friends, they're colleagues, they *trust* each other. They don't need to be more than they are, because what they are works.
Another favourite scene was when Ducky tells Abby and McGee the news about Jenny. How McGee just asked who and... Oh, Abby! That moment when Abby hears the news and reacts, I felt it. Seriously. *huggles* Even Jimmy,in the scene with Gibbs in Autospy and he just steps out, was just right.
Now for the reassignments. You know, I wasn't *that* surprised. I've been waiting for this for a while, especially with Ziva and her Mossad liaison status. Now for the others, well, Vance is just looking to break up the team so we have some drama to start of the next season. Not to mention the three new Probies -- and ooh! I hope they bring Agent Lee back, though I'm not holding me breath -- and how Gibss reacts to them and how the team reacts to their "replacements". Vance, you sneaky bastard. You just gave up the first two episodes of next season. *awaits*
Well done show, well done.