So, yeah, I watched Iron Man again.
Why, some may ask. Because Tony Stark (RDJ) is a fucking rockstar! I think I loved the movie more on second viewing, because seriously I was full on geeking out in fangirlish glee throughout the whole thing. I mean it. Watching this man, this character who is so royally messed up, yet awesome, should NOT make me this happy. But oh, how it does!
Plus Tony/Pepper - OH GUYS! could you be any more pretty? And with MORE UST?! *G* They fill me with banter glee! *SQUISHES* Actually the whole movie does. It's been a while since a movie had made me want to write fic, and I swear, if I felt I could properly capture the banter/essence of it, I so would be. Thanks be to
starkindustries and
ironman_movie for they have some pretty good fic. And a lot of Tony/Pepper UST banter, which is all I ask for. I'm SO easy, trust me.
And since Tony Stark isn't the only billionaire, playboy, superhero with a suit, and awesome butler coming to screens this summer I have to share this, because it's genius!
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