
Apr 25, 2007 23:01

I love Heroes, when a show leaves for a while I tend to shrug and I lose a bit of my fangirliness, but when they come back and when they come back like Heroes did Monday(but I only watched today!) I *squeeee* like there's no tomorrow!

This is how a show is supposed to come back. Takes us straight into what we fans want to know! Don't leave us with long drawn out plot lines *rolls eyes*. Don't add new completely random out of left field kind of things *sighs*, that make us wanna change the channel and watch Shark Week (which is awesome) like it happened to me once. (And I have examples for both those thing, which I won't into b/c of the headaches they bring, just.... *coughgrey'scoughveronicamarscough*) Just give us the goods. Preferably served with a side of hotness ;) Milo V., Pasdar, Cabrera for example *thud* Something else about this show- awesome casting! Eric Roberts and Malcolm McDowell *grins*

And Heroes did. From the beginning to end I was hooked, utterly and completely hooked. I won't go into details cuz I well I don't think I can properly express my love. All I have to say is the Petrelli's are my favorite TV family, they all rock in their own awesome Petrelli way. Who da man? Lin-da- MAN! (yes, yes, I am that dorky). Sylar, you bad bad boy, how I love you and want you to die at the same time! Hiros! And there a new trio in town! Woot woot! Atomic Ted- I love your jazz hands! I could go on, but I won't.

But all other shows need to take a little hint from Heroes. Cuz they brought it and brought it big! Okay I'm done. Just needed to share the awesomeness of Heroes with the world.

tv: heroes, misc: i like this

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