So I've been under the weather the last couple of days, sucky, for sure, but at least it gave me time to finish some things. Namely, this fanmix. It's been so long since I've wanted to make a fanmix for a couple, and it's almost impossible to ignore how important music is in this show and for it's characters.
Now, as much I love this fanmix, it gave me a lot of trouble. It started out very angsty. Then after realising that I didn't want a super angsted out mix because as much angst as this ships has, I find them utterly charming, lovely, and so adorable that I chose to scrap that plan and focus on a happier mix. After I found the song (and theme) I more or less wanted to center it around it was tough to find the right songs to accompany it. (It could have just been me being anal, but yeah.) This was a process, in which I went through many songs, and several permutations of song order. But I finished it. Who knew this was going to be the easy part? (Even making the cover art was relatively quick process.) Uploading this mother was a complete and utter bitch. For some reason it just didn't want to upload for a whole day and half, until if finally did a couple days ago. So, about a week after I finished, I finally managed to upload it in it's entirety.
01 | digital love (daft punk cover); alphabeat
Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling I've waited so long
Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the rythm gets stronger
02 | i wanna know girls; portastatic
I wanna know girls, yeah every one I can
And mostly I’m not stupid, but I love what I can learn from them
Sometimes knowledge is a shock
Don’t push stuff by sharing rocks
You are my only sweetness and you know it
When you let yourself see it
That vibrating halo of tin
03 | introduction; voxtrot
And you love me just like a stranger
But you love me just like I am
Remember we ran through lovely streets
We made our rules and then we broke them first
It felt like we were running all the time
04 | nonpareil of favor; of montreal
Now i'm happy in the head
Knowing there ain't no sucker in the world
That's a threat to us
But we've become material
05 | falling without knowing; tilly and the wall
Eyes meet,
though we didn't see
what would be.
Falling, Falling without Knowing.
Whatever happens now that I've changed
No one will ever stand in our way
We both sent the signal,
it's been delivered, a crashing cymbal rings out.
06 | nobody lost, nobody found; cut copy
I can see you almost in my town
Nothing but a seat of blue
Seperating seasons
And I think of you
07 | this thing about you; miracle fortress
Everyone that i see
is making eyes at you and me.
You see you've got this thing with walking,
and me, I've got this thing about you.
Everyone we pass by
is stealing looks at you and I.
bonus track:
sweet caroline; mark salling (glee cast)
Where it began, I can't begin to know when
But then I know it's growing strong
.zip comments are much appreciated :D