Just finished watching Merlin and just have to say:
as I watch, kinda.
Enter the bad guy. Some king, and enter his assassin. I can only wonder who he wants to kill......OH. SHOCK. The mean king wants to kill Arthur. Well we'll see about THAT.
Oh, jousting! This looks promising, and painful. Arthur and Merlin snark. Arthur is unhappy that people treat him like he's special. But Arthur, YOU ARE, HUN. *pets* The pitfalls of being royal, sweetie. Awww, he just wants to be normal.
And hey, isn't this the plot line of the Prince and Pauper, or this time the Prince and Merlin. OR "Merlin meets A Knight's Tale".
Arthur plots a very, very, um, "good" plan. That can only go badly.
In the forest Merlin falls while meeting up with Arthur, as Arthur tries to pass as a peasant.
M: Surely, there must a better way to prove yourself.
A: Shut up! (UGH!)
And we have some knight that goes to Uther and informs him or Odin's plan to assassinate Arthur.
Oh, Arthur and Gwen are now roomies! I wonder where the episode will take this. Arthur is unamused at Merlin's plan to help sneak the farmer in. I like the farmer, and they're lucky that they know how to forge documents as was shown in "Lancelot" last year. Oh, boys.
Gwen's smile is adorable as she watches them be dork.
As knight comes, Arthur is a prat and Gwen just rolls her eyes appropriately because as much as A wants to be treated as normal person he's too used to getting his own way and believes he's entitled to well, everything, including Gwen's bed. Take your minds out of the gutter, Gwen is not in it. That being the exact problem, since he's just taken her bed and left her to hay sacks.
Mynos(sp?), the assassin, has a spy in the castle. OOOH.
During the tournament Morgana looks gorgeous, Gwen looks amused at the farmer, then grudgingly excited as Arthur steps in. Uther is totally wowed at the carnage being caused. I swear he would be placing bets if he could.
Arthur is a total ass, but endearingly so. I love how he tells the farmer to wave.
Ooooh, smart assassin! Love it!
Gaius gives his sass-eyebrow to Merlin for not cleaning out the leech tank. Awesome.
Back at Gwen's, Arthur and her start to bond. It's kinda cute. Oh, Arthur you just want to be loved for you. *squishes* Of course, then he's a total ass again. Gwen, I feel your pain.
LOL, as Merlin rants CM's real accent peaks through. It's cute.
The tournament continues. Sir Leon has advanced to the final. This is the dude that let arthur take a pass at the beginning of the ep. Uther's giant grin at the pain train is so fantastic. He likes this shit.
Gaius asking Gwen how she's feels about william (arthur) and Gwen's answer was an awesome moment.
Oh, Gwen, please continue to be as awesome as you are. YES, TELL HIM. And the finishing with the "my lord" is so perfectly Gwen and adorable and I love her so. Not to mention Arthur's face! And he offers to cook dinner! Gwen, you do know that your home is going to be burnt down when you get back. Merlin agrees with me.
"Gwen says you're cooking..." LOL. Perfect inflection. Then "are you trying to impress her?" Oh, Merlin, you adorable. Arthur scoffs and is a total prat, which completely amuses me bc he's still acting like a total moron about manner even after Gwen's speech and why? Because he still doesn't know any other way to act. Oh, Arthur!
Dinner is served! by Merlin, who teases Arthur. I love these two an they're friendship.
Awww, Merlin cooked the chicken that Arthur tossed him for Gaius. Yay, I love these two. Family time!
Oooh, someone found the knight the assassin killed. And now Merlin knows about it.
G: you snore!
A: I do not snore! (Arthur you're such a GIRL! ILY.)
and then of course, you ruin it. Gwen, you tell him! Seriously, how is the show making all these G/A moment fit?! Last season this all would have WFT material, but right now it's just so sweet and lovely.
BUT THEN MERLIN COMES IN AND RUINS THE ALMOST!MOMENT. Oh, Merlin. But he comes with important info, so I forgive him.
She gives him her handkerchief and fingers brush and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY BACK LIGHTED KISS, BATMAN. BEJESUS. THAT WAS JUST. OH. And then FACES.
This show just made a kiss between A/G in the second ep of it's second season totally and completely believable.
But back to the action. Mynos has come and taken the place of one of the knights in the tournament and you can all guess what's going happen, right?
Oh, hey, there Morgana! You're so pretty from your perch! You're totally having an inner monologue of how you could totally being doing this and how it's unfair that only the guys can play.
And then there's a cute tent moment and Arthur has to prove himself to himself and awww, sweetie.
I have to mention how much I love the music being used here. It reminds me of Escaflowne and it's kinda awesome. This is also the longest jousting run EVER, but then Merlin whispers magic words and makes the assassin stumble and Arthur continues his ride to victory! Enter slowmo applause and Uther's awesome smile of YAY, I love this sport!
Arthur doesn't take the prize but lets the farmer take it instead, and it's wonderful and Merlin, Gwen, and Arthur look on all proud.
Ooooh, back in the throne room Merlin, Gwen and Arthur continue having secret smiles which are just adorable! *SQUISHES* Then Arthur and Gwen actually TALK about the kiss and it's sorta perfect and they have both have these lovely, beyond pretty and angsty looks on their faces and AWWWW. Also unlike his father last episode, Arthur learned the right lesson this episode.
LOL. Best final scene! In the end the real winners of this episode are the leeches.
Next time: Morgana's powers surface--YAY! Druids and Mordred! And the Dragon is an ass, but we all knew that, didn't we?
I still have to watch Dollhouse, which I meant to do earlier today, but just didn't find the time. At least I have something to look forward to tomorrow.