Heroes (and some Chuck)

Oct 15, 2008 00:00

DUDE. What a twist!

Heroes 3x05 )

reax, tv: heroes, tv: chuck

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Comments 2

little_giddy October 15 2008, 11:35:36 UTC
And you see why my entire reaction to that episode was 'Petrellis, you are FUCKED UP.' *G*

Although I admit that my shipper danced. Especially when Mama P had the dream and well, would you look at that? Tracy, you're ONE OF THE FAMILY. And in typical Petrelli fashion, we know that not because you're invited to Sunday lunch, but because someone had a vision in which you're dead.

PETRELLIS. *shakes head*

I'm not even touching the Mohinder/Maya thing with a bargepole. It squicks me like nothing else.


hariboo October 15 2008, 20:24:17 UTC
God, these Petrellis? They don't stay dead, do they? And when they DO die, they don't seem to stay that way for long. Tracy? GOOD LUCK.

Mohinder/Maya? I am blind to whatever is happening there. BLIND.


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