HT100 Challenge #22-Food Fight: Two Birds, One Stone

Aug 28, 2003 12:20

I promise I started this yesterday, before I read rileyc’s! LOL. I guess I’m not the only one who hears “cafeteria” and immediately thinks “season 3.” This one takes place during Operation Andy.

Andy is sitting closer to Toby than Chris is ever permitted to. Their thighs must almost be touching, Chris thinks, and that thought is like fire burning him from the inside.

He chews a fish stick and watches- Toby’s mouth, grazing Andy’s ear, whispering something that makes the kid laugh and spray breadcrumbs everywhere; his hand, pressing against Andy’s shoulder as he leans back to talk to O’Reily; his eyes, meeting Vern’s across the room. His smile, full of cold promise.

Chris understands the calculation behind these gestures. Vern is Toby’s primary target; Chris’s pain is simply welcome collateral damage.

w: actizera, ch 022 food fight

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