For visionofblue who wanted this prompt with Miguel/Ryan.
“Look, Ryan, I made a chain,” Cyril said.
“That's great, Cyril,” said Ryan, not looking away from his current distraction.
“Can I do one in red next?”
“Check with Hill.”
They were stuck here in this small classroom. Him, Cyril, Beecher, Rebadow, Busmalis, and Hill had all been chosen as part of McManus' newest big idea- making scarves for the homeless shelter where Leo's secretary used to work. He suspected they were chosen as the men least likely to run each other through with a pair of knitting needles. Cyril was here to ensure Ryan's participation.
Oh, and by some stroke of luck, Alvarez was here too.
Bending over to pick up a knitting needle that he'd dropped for the sixth time.
Christ, that ass.
Ryan was thankful that everybody else was focused on their knitting. Busmalis was counting each stitch under his breath. Rebadow was halfway done with his second scarf and Beecher was nearing the completion of his first. Hill was the fastest of them all- since the program began, he had completed four scarves and did some intricate things with patterns that Ryan couldn't follow.
“He said I could have this yellow. I like knitting,” prattled on Cyril.
Alvarez straightened up, casting Ryan a smile.
Ryan looked down at his knitting. Crap. He'd lost count again.
“How do you remember where you are?” he asked Alvarez.
“I have a system.”
“I noticed,” said Rebadow quietly.
Ryan's eyes flew over to the old man. He hoped that was all he noticed.
“O'Reily, I can change places with you if you like,” Rebadow offered.
“No, thanks.”
A soft smile tinged Alvarez's lips as he resumed his knitting.
Ryan unraveled his strand and started over again.