HT100 Challenge #176 - 8 Hard Years

Apr 30, 2011 16:11

Whew! Just under the wire, here are the last 4. They are unrelated, but are set in somewhat chronological order.

Challenge 95 - Same Name, Different Story (Are We There Yet?)
Keller & Beecher
150 words, Rated PG


It was going to happen. He knew it. That’s the reason that he was here in EmCity right now.

It was just that it had dragged on for what seemed like forever.

And his heart had started to be dragged into it as well.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. He just needed to stick to the script, play a part.

But the only thing he wanted to say was “run”.

Run now. Get as far away from me as you can. I’m no good for you. I’m poison.

The words stuck in his throat. He suppressed them, like everything he wanted to say, and maintained a cruel and casual indifference.

He just wanted it over, his debt erased, and then he could work on turning everything around.

When Toby walked through the door of the gym, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

The moment had finally arrived.

Challenge 84 - Don’t Fear The Reaper
McManus & Murphy
235 words, rated PG


“Why is it that every time we walk down this particular hallway, you need to walk on this side? Are you afraid the bogey man is going to get me?”

“It’s not every time,” Sean answers weakly, but Tim remains unconvinced.


“You’ll think it’s stupid.”

“I can reserve judgment until I hear it.”


“You didn’t know Metzger.”

“I knew he was your CO Supervisor.”

“So are you. It doesn’t explain why you’d walk closer to the spot where he was killed.”

“It could have just as easily been the Unit Manager.”

“Oh… No. Like I said, you didn’t know Metzger. He wasn’t well-loved.”

Sean raises an eyebrow in response.

“Come on, you know as well as I do that if someone wanted to off a Unit Manager, they’d do it in full view of the other inmates in order to gain a little jizz.”

“Not making me feel better, Tim.”

“Sorry.” They lapse into silence for a moment before Tim speaks again. “The last thing that Metzger said to me was ‘Remember who you want standing next to you when one of these fucks comes after you with a knife.’”

“He had a point.”

“The funny thing was that as soon as he said it, I didn’t think of him or Diane, I thought of you. I’m glad you’re here, Sean, even if you do let superstition get the better of you sometimes.”

Challenge 87 - It’s the Holiday Season
Assorted Staff & Inmates
175 words, Rated R


“Listen up. The Warden has graciously allotted the next hour for a Christmas party here in the quad.”

“Fuck, McManus, I didn’t get you anything.”

“We’ll begin with a reading of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ and if you’re good maybe Santa will show up.”

“What do you plan to do for the non-Christian inmates?”

“Jesus, Said, can’t you give it a rest for once?”

“I want to see Santa. Why is Mister Said mad?”

“Because he’s getting coal in his stocking this year.”

“’Twas the night before Christmas and all through the-“


“This blows.”

“Do something.”



“Hoyt, you are without a doubt the ugliest Santa Claus I’ve ever seen. What’d you do to deserve this?”

“Got into a fight in the cafeteria. Would have rather gotten thrown in the hole.”

“Ooh, Santa, can I sit on your lap?”

“See? It’s all right.”

“Yeah, I guess it was a good-“



“Aw, shit.”

“Keller, let Hoyt breathe.”


“Well, this party lasted longer than last year’s. That’s something.”

Challenge 120 - Behind Closed Doors
100 words, rated R


It happened so quickly that no one would ever believe it.

He didn’t believe it and he was there.

Not standing idly by, but struggling, as he had been for the past three years.

He was fighting for his life. He was also fighting for Simon’s.

He knew there was no amount of convincing, no words that he could say, nothing he could do to make Simon turn from the life he’d established.

Nothing except a subtle shift as Simon’s hand relaxed.

And in that instant, Said knew, the only way to save Simon - save them both - was to strike.

**Thanks again to this community and the moderators! The past five years have been great.**

ch 176 8 hard years, ch 095 same name diff. story, w: cmk418, ch 084 don't fear the reaper, ch 087 it's the holiday season, ch 120 behind closed doors

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