Oct 30, 2001 03:27
Ok, it's really late and I know I'm gonn hate myself in the morning for being awake right now, but I just wanna write to you guys, because I know you're all broken up everynight you don't see a new entry from me.
I asked My Love about her own self-loving activities. I was flat out shocked to hear that she doesn't do it. For somebody that is as sexually playful and downright horny as she is, I was just knocked on my ass speechless. I didn't ask her why, but I didn't really feel like prying. In retrospect I probably made her feel really weird for not ever doing it too.
Of course, this kinda sorta changes my views on somethings. Up until then our "making out" had been totally above the belt kind of stuff. We'd make reference to dry-humping and similar stuff, which I have to say was quite arrousing to me, and in two cases we had to stop because of how far it was pushing me. Normally I'd have been ok with that, and would have done the deed right there, but as I've stated in previous entries, my privacy to do that sort of stuff has been severely diminished. I had somewhat correctly assumed that her unwillingness to let me "touch her" down there was due to the fact that she was having her fun-girly-days, but then I learned that she just didn't do it.
I offered to *cough* teach her how (I think I could do that fairly well), but she hasn't been too eager to accept the offer. We've done a lot more talking than anything in the last few days, and a lot of it is about what we want from the relationship. I suppose it's the guy in me that can't believe that she doesn't feel a need for an intimate sexual relationship. However, if all she needs to be happy with me is just to be with me, then I can provide her with that, because honestly the "sexlife" seems to be getting a little stale.
Am I happy with her? Yes.
Is she happy with me? She says she is.
Am I going to have sex with her in 7 months when we'll finally be together? I'm not planning on it, but I will be prepared. At the very least, I'm gonna have my first kiss with her. Anything beyond that is just bonus to me. :)
Ok, I'm going to bed. Leave me notes, e-mail me, stalk me on AIM and MSN late at night.