Mapping the McKittrick hotel

Apr 26, 2011 14:31

Because I'm obsessive and like lists and maps and things, and have been trying to remember as much as possible of Sleep No More since (at least visually) it's large part of my inspiration for my final project.

So far the only people I know who's been to this is Simon, gildedmuse, shinydinosaur, cdvla313, and of course notapoet47...

Some of these are guesses and assumptions, and I may be mixing together rooms and confusing stuff... Which means I really want corrections/help.

WARNING: If you're planning on seeing the show, I recommend you DON'T spoil yourself by looking at this post. This is mostly to figure out the layout and stuff.

Character list
Lady MacBeth
Malcolm - Detective
Lady MacDuff
Bald Witch
Boy Witch
Sexy Witch

J. Fulton
Catherine Campbell
Agnes Naismith - Lady with suitcase?
Nurse Shaw
Mr. Bargarran - Tailor
Maximilian Martell

Speakeasy barman

Random character stuff
Everything is gayer with the boy witch.
Mr. Bargarran kinda stalked Agnes.
Speakeasy barman proposed to the sexy witch?

1st floor

The top row is all from the banquet scene, with everyone gathered. Left to right: MacBeth, Lady MacDuff, MacDuff, Sexy Witch, Malcolm, Duncan, Bald Witch, Male Witch, Banquo, Lady MacBeth.

The bottom row is the, well, ballroom scene. The last two pictures may or may not take place in this room -- I vaguely remember walking in on what I think was this scene, but it may have been at the replica bar. I remember it as being roomy...

2nd floor
Manderlay bar
The first room you enter, and the only room you're not required to wear a mask. Also the only place you can get a drink.

Locker room

I saw someone mention the room full of lockers, but I was never in it myself... It had a lot of personal belongings. Was between the bar and the lobby. Also had bathrooms. Where Simon loudly flushed the toilet.

Upper ballroom
The top floor, looking down on the ballroom. I remember a small balcony (with various books and things), and possibly a small room you go through to get to the corridor with chairs along the wall (some with blood) and swords on the wall... Along the other side there was a records player, and I think a piano maybe.

The servant shaves Duncan (?) here, which is the first scene we saw. And it was quite homoerotic. One wall is covered with books, there's a a fireplace and a sitting area, and a door leading to...

Small, dark room coming off the library. Had a bible (or possibly just very large book?) that was ripped and torn and cut in.

Tent bedroom
Another room coming off the library, and leading to others. There was a bed of pillows, and MacBeth smothered Duncan here, then Malcolm arrived and they carried Duncan off to do an autopsy or something. I believe they went down, so I have no idea where they went.


The lobby itself with the keys. If you went behind there, you would pass a corner with lots of candles and things. There was also a letter there that the Porter moved. I couldn't quite read it, it was dark. There was also a door leading to a tiny room with a chair in front of a desk and mirror and lots of little details, that I unfortunately didn't get to look properly at.

To the right of the counter there was just some furniture. Then there's there sitting area with the trees on the table, where several scenes took place. Then there's a stage (with a piano?), and in the other end of the room, there's three phone booths. Also a lot of the furniture has sheets over it.

Porter's office
I can't for the life of me remember where this was, but it was down some corridor, and a room I think is usually locked (as it locked behind us). However, Katherine mentioned a room just like it, so it might not be. It was a tiny cluttered office, lots and lots and lots of papers, and several books and boxes and things.


I know the crosses and salt is charms against witches. I wasn't here much, but I think you could walk from here to the lobby past the phonebooths.

3rd floor
McBeth bedroom

Big, with lots of chests and suitcases and chests of drawers and stuff. Then the big bed, and the bathtub on a small platform in the middle of the room. Lots of scenes took place here, including Out Damned Spot. The windowed doors led to the...


Large area of lots of waisthigh stone walls and several statues that look like they're moving because of the light, and omg so creepy. One door off this room led to the...


A small, sandy graveyard with mostly wooden crosses. There was a baby stroller in one end, which one character (MacDuff?) looked into at one point.

Baby shower
Empty room with an empty baby bed in the middle, with a cross, and a lamp hanging above it. From the ceiling there hung maybe 50 headless dolls from invisible lines, all turned towards the bed.

McDuff children's room

A creepy children's room with a fake mirror that let you see a mirror-image of the room, but bloodied.

Sator square room

I can't make this fit with what I remember seeing -- we sat this carved into the inside of a drawer, in what I think was a sitting room. (So, no arm.)

4th floor

A cobbled street. This view had the detective agency, tailor shop, taxidermist shop, hecate's apothecary... Several scenes took place here. There was another street with the candy shop, and also a corner with some sort of sign or ad painted onto the wall.

Detective Agency

The room had three desks... Behind the main room, there was a more private area with newly developed pictures hanging by clothespins, depicting a bloodied woman.

There was a bit where Malcolm typed up some stuff ("They will have blood. Blood will have blood.") then cut it out, and put it in a box and hid it. Later another character (carrying a dead bird) found it and called someone over the phone to excitedly read them what it said.

Tailor shop

Never seemed to be able to spend time in here, though I went through it several times to get somewhere else...

Taxidermist shop

Didn't spend much time in this room either.

Hecate's apothecary

Nor this! Although I think I remember the beaded curtain, if that was for this room. (There was also a room between this and the taxidermist?) There was some chalk drawings on the wall at the end of the room, and a door I kept finding locked, but I swear I've seen people come out of. I've forgotten where it leads.

Funeral agency
Had a backroom where the autopsy of Duncan (and the sexy witch, at some point) took place (empty except for a wooden table), with a closet with the Narnia door. Also had a freezer room.

Behind secret passage
(Almost called this Narnia.) Two rooms, the house of the lady with the suitcase? Bedroom and an office.

Interrogation room
Just a long, thin room with a simple chair, and a lamp hanging right over the chair.

Paisley sweets shop

Also had a cash register and stuff. You could eat the candy. And apparently the cherries on the top shelf came with the building.

Replica bar

A dark, creep version of the Manderlay bar. Hecate has a few scenes here, eats dinner, sings a song... And the c section aka the techno witch orgy aka the prophecy takes place here.

Box maze

Bark on the floor, in was a winding corridor of boxes, with small statues standing around, leading to...

The Speakeasy

Also bark on the floor (very dusty, kept making me almost sneeze), with a pool table. Also a small round table with a lamp over, where they sat around playing cards. There's a bar counter that MacBeth kills Banquo behind. And in one corner, there were a bajillions identical cards nailed onto the wall -- I think they were all Jacks or Kings. Someone nailed a cross of 9s onto the wall.

5th floor
Hospital room

One of the beds was filled with potatoes. In one end there was a bunch of little bottles of weird stuff -- I remember one marked sulphur.

Psychologist's office
Lady MacBeth's patient files are to be found here.

Bathtubs room
Similar to the hospital room, but with bathtubs instead of beds. Some are empty, some filled with stagnant water.

Forest maze (with hut)

Hard floor, so not quite the outdoors feeling, but it was a labyrinth where there walls were leafless trees you could see through. In one corner there was a hut, and the nurse opened a window and stared inside at the bright light coming out from it, and inside there was a room with lots of papers and writing hanging on the walls. At the other end of the labyrinth, there was a window that led into the bathtub room. There was a scene where the nurse danced her way through the maze and then through the window. The maze also has an elk in the middle of it.

Laundry room
There was lots and lots of laundry hanging around and kinda blocking the way. You had to go under it.

Padded cell

By the laundry room, I think. It was a creepy, old padded cell with stained walls, and a straightjacket in the corner. On the wall, there was a bunch of feathered stabbed into the wall to form a pentagram.

Scribble room
A small room with dark wood panels covered in chalk scribblings, and steps leading up along the walls of the room. It was sort of circular, with an open area in the middle, where I saw a snippet of a scene.

Electro-shock room
A mostly empty room, but with a chair (like a dentist chair, perhaps) in the middle, completely metal and hard, with a lamp over it. I never went in.

Warden's office?
A room with a bunch of paper cutout things hanging down from the ceiling in the corner of the room.

Stuff I can't place!

I'm gonna take a wild stab and guess this is by the hospital somewhere?

I don't even know. He's sort of dancing, and there's an arm (of a woman?) behind him. I don't even know who this is.

A room with a desk and a lockbox?
Several 1-on-1 rooms we didn't get to see.
Endless amounts of plain corridors and some empty rooms that I'm not sure count.

list, plays, geekery, pictures, sleep no more, new york, giant post of giantness

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