My Life = Gaming, apparently.

Jan 22, 2006 09:35

I sort of feel guilty about not posting anything.
My in-laws are over.
It's hot.

That's about my life outside gaming, actually.
Went to cam requiem last night - it was pretty good.
Finished painting my props; submachine gun, shot gun, sword, chainsaw (finished, yay!), and wolverine claws.
The DC nearly pulled me up on the chainsaw, becuase it still looks a little red. Despite the fact that I spray painted it once with red and *twice* with orange.
Have used up an entire orange spraypaint can.
Built the wolverine claws whilst helping father-in-law in the garage. First time I used my new mitre box. Mitre boxes are sweet!

Talked to (need non-real names) "group A" about possibly running a one shot D&D variant. They seem keen on the idea. I am aware that they have a regular tabletop D&D game though. Looking forward to it. And I have nearly finished hammering together my Alternate Reference Document. I guess I've put too much work into it though, as Dark Heritage is suffering - almost nothing done in ages. I still have to write up my changes from the core Hero system. Better hurry, considering the character creation is in early Feb.

[damn no real names] "group B" have been picking up my slack with Avatars. This is good!

Still haven't got my arse properly into gear over the Pheno game I said I'd write. Corset probably isn't serious enough, but I don't want to write the Gods game, because there is just too much overlap with Avatars. I think people would come, and play it as Avatars, and 'asplode. *Sigh*
Have been considering running a third game. Looks like it might be able to work, but I need to talk to Xole [how do you make this an ljtag?]. I keep wanting to go over and see her about it, but something always comes up on monday nights.

Ah well.

oh, and in other news, I am now the proud owner of an Arkham Horror box!
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