Nov 14, 2006 11:59
But I can't help laughing .. and out loud at that ..
Drunken elephants kill 3
8:02 PM November 14
"We've reports of several incidents of elephants going berserk looking for rice beer, plundering granaries and tearing apart huts and killing human beings," elephant specialist Kushal Konwar Sharma said.
Source: AFP
Can you imagine an elephant staggering .. swaying to and fro and holding it's right paw in a thumbs up? Or a hooves up? I mean .. isn't that image just making you pee yourself?!?!
It's sad though .. a 4 yr old boy died ..
I mean elephants are usually completely peaceful but quite territorial .. and since ..
"The elephants - confronted by shrinking forest cover and human encroachment on their turf - have increasingly strayed into villages, searching for food and attacking people.
During the past fortnight, elephants have been wreaking havoc in Assam, especially in villages where tribes brew rice beer. " ..
I don't know .. it's sad and funny and I feel like laughing and feel guilty all at the same time ..
The world sucks and I know it .. forest shrink, people encroach on elephants territory, elephants lose their home, people die, kill elephants and never learn anything.
One thing I wished is that people would stop addressing the manifestation of the problem rather than the problem itself.
And that is the root of every single crisis in the world.
Everyone is too busy plugging the holes in the damn, not realizing the wall is about to break ..
Seriously .. really need to buy myself that island!! :-D
I suppose though everyone thinks that how they do things is the best way.. everyone believes that their way is the only way to solve any/everyhing ...
Pah .. it's all complicated ..
TODAY, I went to go thru' a car wash, and it wasn't working .. it turns out that some TWATILY-TOOL was reversing and forwarding his car while the laser guided wash arm was moving around .. effing up the mechanics .. I MEAN WHAT A TWAT!!! There's a BIG SIGN that says TURN YOUR CAR OFF .. do not move the car once the arm is in motion!!!
Apparently they think it'll get cleaner if there are more that the one axis going ..
People just ruin things.
Speaking of sigs,
At the pool there's a sign that says "due to privacy acts and for the safety of the pool patrons, no mobile phones are to be used in the change room"
At first I laughed, then I found myself becoming immensely disturbed. What sort of sick rubbish society do we live in where such a sign needs to appear?
Sick sad world.
Oh but there was another funny article about toilet-phobia .. according to the BBC people are embarressed to talk about toilet (use euphamisms bathroom powder nose etc), and "hold it in" so that they don't have to use public toilets .. some even don't venture out of the house so they don't have to use public places .. it's enough to cause concern apparently ..
Well.. add that to my ever growing list of issues .. I avoid using public toilets .. and always say bathroom .. :-)
I just hate the word toilet .. I don't know how other accents say it, but in Australia it's
and that's such an ugly word .. TOY LET .. the French say "Twa-let" .. which is a bit softer .. :-D
ok a whole Cd has played through .. off to bed :-)