Nov 13, 2006 11:07
Syria get out of Lebanon.
Syria quit sticking your *(%%$&* nose into other countries political affairs to advance your own agendas.
Syria, you are a poison that runs thru' the rivers of Lebanon like an intravenous drip.
And lastly, to the Syrian government, you are a scab on the map of Middle Eastern politics. Hurry up and fall off.
The findings of the assassination of Rafik Hariri are due in a few days. It will of course indite Syria .. possibly even as high up as Bashar al-Faur. (Assad means lion, Faur means mouse .. i'm being funny)
Hezbollah and other pro-Syrian parties wish to gain vetoing powers in Leb. government.
There's no way in the world that this should ever be allowed to ever happen.
Fouad Sinoura (became prime minister after the assassination of the great Rafik Hariri) and the best thing to have ever happened to Lebanon since, has rejected 5 pro-syrian ministers stepping down.
If they step down the gov. disolves. If they are not allowed to, then there will be a protest in the street.
What a messed up situation in a messed up place. If Syria could possibly get lost thank you very much!!! Then maybe we could get somewhere.
Speaking of countries leaving other countries alone,
Could America quit vetoing every single resolution put forward by the U.N. It's up to number 36 in how many years.
I think countries should be stripped of veto powers.
Kind of doesn't make much of "democracy" no?
In the past nine days alone around 80 Palestinians have been killed. And altogether, close to 400 have died - most of them civilians - since the Israeli army intensified operations in late June.
Over the same period, on the Israeli side, there have been three deaths. They were all soldiers, and one of them was killed accidentally in friendly fire
It just can't be!!!
Everyone just needs to need to take a long hard and very professional look at themselves. Israel need to step back, suspend this operation and look at the policy. It's not the way to stop those pesky Palestinians.
And to the Palestinians .. far out .. is it not obvious that this "resistance" is not the way to get the Israelis to stop this onslaught against you ..
Far out .. it's just stupid! I wish there was some way for that whole region to just start as a blank slate. From scratch .. and I should have a say in it :-)
I like this quote best ..
A regrettable mistake, past and present politicians and army officers said yesterday. This is not a mistake. This is a disaster. A regrettable mistake is when you step on someone's foot, not when you kill 11 members of one family. Someone has to stop this madness.
And when is the madness going to end?
I'm so sick of turning on the news .. and it's
global warming this
war that
bombings here
all marine life dead in 50 years there ..
I mean honestly .. when is this generation of politicians that don't think further than their politican term to hurry up and achieve their (personal?) agendas ..
Or when is this generation of clowns that don't think of the consequences their actions are going to have on the envirnment in 20 years time going to just hurry up and retire, so that this generation with what I see (and hope) have some conscious of the world around take over and start to right a bit of wrongs.
But I suppose .. when you have a great country like China with such a rich history allow only one line about Chairman Mao in their history book, when you have countries that forget their past .. there's bound to be another Mao who in 100 years times is sick of "democracy" .. and decides to introduce a new policy that doesn't have a capitalist push and makes everyone fair and equal .. it'll be called Communism and noone will be around to remind him that .. it's all been done.
Anyway, today I finally made 10kgs in pump class ... hooray me.
Seriously .. to think 3 months ago I was 4kg and dying .. :-)
10kgs for my squats and lunges that is .. still only 4 for arms :-)
Finished that class and when straight into pilates class .. AND NOT ONLY THAT .. I didn't rest once :-)
My fav. is still combat class though .. and nnoo it's not because i'm the Arab :-) It's the hardest .. but most fun of all the classes .. it's crazy fun .. and you feel you got the best work out .. Cass is so un-co and it's funny .. :-)
And I'm sure in fact I"M PoSITIVE, that underneath my blubber, there is a 6 pack just waiting to rip out!! :-)
Kamila start back at the NMI next week :-)
Pity I won't be around for much longer there ..
And Goth student whose mother is Chief scientist of Cancer research institute shall start with the NMI next year .. connections are always good :-)
That's about all.
My Southern hasn't worked .. my controls have and it's pissing me right off because I don't know what else to try .. I've tried every variable. And for fucks sake the control works!!!
Maybe my DNA is just dirty? But there's nothing in the wells when I run it!!! It's clean .. :-(
Anyway ...
I forgot how to LJ cut .. my apologies for no cuts!! .. :-/
crazy world