iCarly Fragments! Themed

Dec 14, 2009 15:41

I love doing these.

“Talk to him.”
“Talk to him before I hit you!”
Sam glared at Carly, “You wouldn’t.”
Carly glared back, “Don’t tempt me.”
Sam turned to look across the Groovy Smoothie to where Freddie sat with Gibby and a few of his AV club friends. It wasn’t worth it. The boy was stubborn, and wouldn’t listen and he just so annoying!
Her phone jiggled on the table and she took it up, opening the message. Reading it, she scowled and spun to frown at Freddie’s back. Carly grabbed the phone out of her hand and read the message.
“Ugh! You two are such children!” she exclaimed.
“Gimme that!” Sam grabbed back the phone, using her two thumbs to type, taking her anger at Freddie out on the buttons. She pressed send and turned to watch his reaction. From Freddie’s table, they heard his phone beep and he picked it up. Sam grinned when he growled in frustration.
“Ha!” she turned back around and sipped her Crazy Fruit smoothie in triumph. Carly rolled her eyes at the pair of them.
Sam’s phone shook again and she took it up. This text had her jaw falling to the floor and a gasp forming in her throat. She fired off another text, pressing send so hard she hurt her finger.
“Ow!” she screamed.
“You wouldn’t have hurt yourself if you weren’t being stupid,” Carly snapped.

Theme: Preggers
Carly slouched on the couch, her bowl of ice cream propped up on her large pregnant tummy. She took a spoonful of the chocolate swirl dessert and slid it in her mouth, giggling at the joke on Girly Cow, just as Spencer walked in, carrying groceries.
“Before you ask,” he said, “I got the Swedish fish, the chocolate cookies, the cucumbers and the Maraschino cherries.”
“Thank you!” she said sweetly, “Did you get the grape nuts?”
Spencer rested the bags on the couch beside Carly, took out the grape nuts box, opened it and sprinkled some into her ice cream.
“Thank you,” she said sweetly again.
The door opened and Sam walked in, her tummy looking like a basketball under her orange shirt. Her red hoodie was over her head and she looked at the Shays with heavy eyes.
“This kid’s trying to kill me,” she declared, “I’m tired all the time, I’m hungry all the time...”
“How is that different from normal?” Spencer asked.
“...And now I wanna pee again!” Sam shouted in frustration, “I don’t even know how my bladder can hold this much liquid!”
Just then, Freddie came in, “Hi you guys! How are you and the babies?”
“Fine!” Carly trilled. Sam glared at him venomously.
“I’m going to the bathroom before I bust my bladder or kill somebody,” Sam mumbled, taking off.

Theme: Weird hair colours
Freddie opened his door to Sam and shook his head at her getup. She was dressed in a pair of army green cargo pants, an acid green top, and dark green Chucks. But the height of her frivolity was definitely in her hair; she had her usually golden curls coloured in green and they were in pigtails, which Freddie had never seen before. She had green glitter freckling her face along with her wide grin.
“Hey Fredwina! She said a little loudly, “You ready?”
Freddie shook his head, “Sam, I told you. I can’t come with you and Carly to New York.”
“Why not?!” Sam whined, jumping up and down, and acting at least one and a half decades younger than she actually was, “We got the tickets and everything!”
“I have to go to work and I already told Carly I wasn’t coming.”
After all these years, the sound of her Drill Sargent bellow made him stand rod straight.
“We are going to New York! We are gonna watch the parade! We’re gonna go shopping, then you’re gonna buy us dinner and we’ll come home! You got that?”
“What am I gonna tell my boss?”
“I SAID YOU GOT THAT?” she hollered.
“Y-yes,” he stammered, feeling like a bad kid being scolded. Sam’s satisfied smile was wide and pretty.
“Good. Go get your coat.”

Theme: Comida/Holiday
Freddie handed Wendy a small pink box, “This is for you. Just a little Christmas cheer.”
“Awww, how sweet,” Wendy reached out and pinched Freddie’s cheek, then took off, opening the box of chocolates.
“What about me?”
Freddie spun around and was met with Carly’s grin.
“Oh. Sure. Hee you go,” he handed her a similar pink box. She smiled, opening it and biting into one of the treats.
“It’s a special batch of mint chocolates. My mom got a whole load of them, and we decided to give them away as little presents.”
“Thanks. They’re yummy,” Carly bit into another of the candies, “Please tell me you have one for Sam.”
“Oh, I got her something alright,” Freddie smiled.
Carly looked to see Sam walking up to her with a square in her arm that at first glance looked like a framed painting. But then Carly saw it was actually a bar of chocolate. A massive bar of chocolate.
“‘Sup,” Sam nodded, nibbling a corner of the giant candy.

Theme: Girls in cute costumes.
“Wait a minute,” Freddie was laughing hysterically, holding his sides and struggling for breath, “Briggs gave the part of the Lady to Sam!?”
“Yes,” Carly said softly, hoping she hadn’t missed a joke.
“But...” Freddie gulped air, “Briggs knows better than anybody that Sam’s not a lady!”
In a blur of movement, and so suddenly Carly jumped in fright, Freddie was on the floor with Sam’s foot in his chest.
“It’s the part of Lady Liberty, dorkwad!” she screamed at Freddie.

Theme: Silly Smut Starters
Mrs. B held Spencer by the lapels of his shirt, “Spencer, may I tell you something?”
“Sure Mrs. B,” Spencer leaned in, eyes smoldering.
“I really, really, really like a man in uniform,” she kissed him, her lips hot, “And guess what?”
“What?” he said between kisses.
“Soldiers make me hot,” she whispered hotly against his lips.
“Wow,” Spencer mumbled, “Lucky for me, I’m wearing an army uniform.”
“Lucky for me too,” she growled as she pulled him into his room.

theme: holiday, fanfic fragments, theme: preggers, theme: comida, theme: girls in cute costumes, theme: silly smut starters, icarly, theme: weird hair colours

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