Sep 16, 2007 16:18
Seriously though, a new girl crush. Only 9 hours or so go in the Heroes marathon. I knew that Niki had double-crossed DL. Now I want to know why. Is Niki supposed to be a hero/good guy b/c I'm not seeing it as of yet. Is Claire's dad a good guy or not? I can't tell. He's just creepy even when he's being nice. I forget what episode it was when Nathan was taken from the hotel. I was expecting him to fly but not like that. That was some Superman type stuff. Jay and I both went, "WOW!! COOL!!" I totally didn't see it coming about Eden.
As I watch Heroes I'm struck by how tight the story lines are. How everything comes together so smoothly. I don't sit there going, "That would never happen. Even comparing what I've seen of Heroes S1 so far comes out better than PB S1 and I love PB S1.
Question: Why is Simone hated on so much by fans? And I'm talking about just from the first few episodes. I don't get it. I can understand having no opinion on her or a mild dislike.
I'm dying to see this Linderman guy. And why Nathan didn't tell Peter he got the painting.
Peter to me is like Rogue in X-Men, who is my favorite X-Men next to the Professor and Wolverine and Gambit.
Friday Night Lights
The more I watch FNL the more I realize what a sexy mofo Taylor Kitsch/Tim Riggins is. In an issue of Esquire magazine from either last year or earlier than year, they did a photo spread with the guys that play Jason Street, Coach Taylor, Smash, Saracen, Saracen's BFF (totally forgot his name) and Tim. Tim was described as having his animalistic sexuality. I totally see what they meant. Outside of looks alone, I'm starting to heart Tim more and more.
I will never understand why Lyla and Tim hooked up. I do understand - both hurting over Street and finding solace in each other or whatever. I don't understand how we as the viewers were supposed to buy it. For me any way, there wasn't enough of a buildup to make it believable. It's like one day he's hurt and then Tim and Lyla are getting it on.
Smash is killing me.
Saracen asking Julie out was so cute. And she's so cute with her, "I'm considering it." Coach Taylor telling his wife he talked to her was priceless.
I still say this show is full of cliches but it works. It's the writing giving one the standard fare so that the characters are recognizable but with enough heart that you don't care that you've seen this before. And the acting is wonderful.
HAPPY PRISON BREAK DAY!!! I'm posting early since I probably won't get to post again until after the show tomorrow.
tv: friday night lights,
tv: heroes,
tv/my first obsession