A gift fic.

Feb 08, 2008 17:25

Title: Morning
Author: happywriter06
Fandom: Prison Break
Rating: PG-15
Category: Slash, Post-escape, AU (i.e., Alex did not kill Aldo)
Characters: Alex Mahone/Michael Scofield
Disclaimer: Only in my dreams do I own these characters.
Notes: A double drabble (exactly 200 words) for 
pamalax because she deserves it. Don’t ask me where this plot bunny came from. I was on my way to bed when it hopped into my head. Enjoy! (And if anyone wants to expand upon this, be my guest.)

“Alex?...Alex?” Michael shifts as much as he can, which isn’t much at all, as he calls Alex’s name again only louder. “Alex!”

“Yeah,” he finally answers, the word heavy and breathy.

“I can’t really breath like this.” He doesn’t know how he made it through the night since neither of them moved from the position they ended up in late last night, early this morning. He’s not really sure.

“Sorry,” he says, lifting his head off of Michael’s back, his skin not letting go without a fight. He only has the energy to raise his head at this point. That is until a spiral of heat slices through his haze. “That’s not the way to get me off of you, you know,” he tells Michael, the corners of his mouth turning up.

Michael had pushed up, the smooth skin of his ass sliding against Alex’s cock.

“Well, you’re taking too long to move,” Michael responds, turning his head to look over his shoulder.

“Well, I’m definitely not moving now.” Alex’s words are a murmur against Michael’s back as Alex kisses the salty, sticky skin between Michael’s shoulder blades.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t a morning person?” Michael asks.

“I lied.”

fandom fic: prison break, prison break girls do it better

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