Dear Boss,
I'm really flattered that you think I'm so good at what I do that you give me everything to do. I really am. But you should know that I'm only one person and there are only so many hours in the day. And you should know that I like to share.
Your underpaid worker
I met a family from Panama today.
I'm watching
African American Lives on PBS. The next episode airs 2/13 @ 9. I teared up a few times. It's really interesting from a historical viewpoint whether you're are black, white, brown, etc...
I have to fics to post. I'll post them later today or tomorrow.
foxriver_ficYou know you want to write some fic for the Feb Chall.
pbfic_exchange2The results are in.
pb_recsGood fic must not go unread.
I got a letter in the mail from Jay yesterday.