Oct 14, 2009 23:40

Soooooooo.... finished 358/2 Days. I want to continue disliking Axel.. I really do. But.. nnngghh... maybe if he was mad more often. 'cause that little blow up at Xion there at the end? I have to admit, I raised an interested eyebrow. The Nobody Trio are just a collection of nuggets. I did feel a little bad when it was all said and done. :[

Xion kicked my ass in several new and painful ways but Riku was a pushover.

ALSO- Saix... honey... when you get your ass handed to you on a platter by the confused, weakened shell of a keyblade wielder, this should teach you something. Obviously it didn't, bless your missing heart. <3

In a related vein, I want a screenshot of Xemnas telling Saix to "Bring me my keyblade wielder. Fetch me Roxas." so I can print it out and frame it on my wall. Xem, why does everything that comes out of your mouth have to be so skeevy?

Finally got a chance to play multiplayer with fauxfaia and... yeeeaaaah, multiplayer MAKES the game. So much cracky fun I think I hurt myself laughing. x.x There's something deeply satisfying about flying Lexaeus up behind an unsuspecting Demyx and just... WOOCHA!! TOMAHAWK SMASH FROM ABOVE :D

aahhh.. what a nice ending to a long day. n_____n

More as the Chronoplast turns.

friends, kingdom hearts, 358/2, molly is a fangirl

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