birds i met

May 03, 2006 14:30

The sunny weather held long enough for us to visit the ‘birds of prey’ exhibit over at Wild Wings at Mendon Ponds yesterday. It’s a small walk through the section of the park housing birds that have been rescued and can’t live in the wild. Below are a few photos to share:

The turkey vulture, my favorite of course, was actually a pet at one point-he was found in downtown Rochester scavenging at a McDonald’s. His name is Barf, named after the fun-fact that vultures throw-up as a defense mechanism.

The great horned owl was stoic on his perch. His feet are enormous!

Included in the ‘birds of prey’ exhibit was a lone ‘cat of prey’, the stocky bobcat. This bobcat was rescued after being caught up in the pet trade. She was found declawed, and therefore cannot live in the wild. Her feet are also enormous!

My favorite owl, the barn owl, was hiding in her little house so the photo-op was lacking. Thus here is a photo of some taxidermied critters with a barn owl in the mix:

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