
Jun 30, 2005 14:28

My parents piss the crap out of me. Only sometimes, like right now when Mom's 'confessing,' which means she's saying biblical things like she's got lots of money and that she will always be victorious over 'satan'. And when they speak in tongues. Annoying annoying annoying. You'd think i'd be used to it by now. It's so crazy.

I feel kind of left out of my family sometimes, though. They're all like together and all understanding and shit, but me? I'm the black sheep of the family. The pagan in a perfectly christian home. There are things that they don't tell me, like all the conversations they had with Ben last year that I couldn't listen to cuz it was all preaching sometimes. But ben never emailed me, so I never got news from home. And times when they close the door on me, or told me to sit in my room until they finish praying. In Riyadh, it felt like I was trapped in that corner of the flat, like it was my own special prison because I couldn't belong. I try not to think about it, but it hurts. I understand their point of view, but they will never understand mine, because it's a totally different way of thinking. If they read some of my religious works, they'd just get all 'holier-than-thou' and think it was evil. I'm not even supposed to bring pagan books in the house. They think it will bring a curse upon the house or something.


Caro's supposed to be gone all summer too. Well, she was, but she's back now cuz she got kicked in the face by a horse. Ouch. >.< But at least I get to see her tomorrow! Canada Day! We're going to a party, while my 'rents go and praise yahweh for six hours. mmm...maybe we'll talk about sex...

I'm busy looking for a job right now. It is unbelievably boring. Especially the 'online research' part. I'd rather walk around and hand my resume out. Except, of course, that that's not a very good way of getting a job, and then I wouldn't be able to get a job as a data entry person or anything, which would pay more than burger-flipping.

Mmmm...silence. It's so nice to be back in 'civilized country', where there isnt' the constant sound of traffic where we are. So nice, so relaxing. Meh, I can't type well today.

Oh! And they passed the same-sex marriage legislation! I'm so happy!!! xD My parents aren't, of course, but they can just suck. it. up. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Finally, the government did something good! Well, they could have done something good before, I just haven't been paying attention. Politics is usually boring. I can only read about people fighting over stupid stuff for so long.

must go, before dad comes over and reads this.

Stupid closet! It's so dark in here!

caro, parents, gay stuff

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