summer vacation and freedom and stuff

Jun 22, 2005 17:20

I feel better now, but that's because a long time has passed. I've left saudi arabia for good and am back in good ol' Canada (yay!). The last few days before we left were hectic, and I still can't believe I've graduated! I got my first phone-survey thing today tho'. Welcome to the world of telemarketers and stuff. The poor lady (who'd want a job like that?) had an accent that I couldn't understand very well, and that's saying a lot for me, seeing how many different accents I've heard since I left Canada almost three years ago.
I went to the big, empty field behind my house today. It's not directly behind my house, but it's close enough. It's so nice and green there, especially with all this rain we've been getting. There were puddles and stuff everywhere. I got my first two mosquito bites of the summer. I'm not exactly excited about that part of it. At least I'm counting firsts now though, instead of 'lasts.' I can only dream about lasts now, the last day of school, the last time I played my oboe.
Ok, stop already, tori, you're making yourself nostalgic! This will never do. It's summer vacation and I have lots of cool books to read!
Doing a lot of walking around, cuz I've only got four (two now) bus tickets that I 'borrowed' from Mom. I should go buy more, but I've only got a fifty and I don't want to break in on just bus tickets.
Fiddling with HTML, let's see if it works, shall we?
Nyah nyah, mom's playing christian music and it makes my brain want to melt. drown it! drown it!
on the plus side, I fould my dæmon the other day. yay! the funky key worked! I feel so special. (Thalie: you ARE special, tori...*significant pause*) shut up!


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