It's a survey or whatever!

Jul 15, 2007 02:25

Hahaha... so I filled this out after I got home from the bar last night, and in my semi-drunken state did not realize how long it was.  Allow me to clean up your friends page a bit and throw it behind a cut.

1. What highway do you drive on the MOST?
Probably PA 61, even if only for 100 feet

2. When was the last time you bought a bathing suit?
Jesus... Two years maybe?  I don't even knot if ti fits anymore..

3. Would you consider yourself a flirt?
I was told years ago that I am always flirting.  I believe that to be true.

4. What color is your boss's hair?
Steve's hair is brown I guess.  Kindof graying.

5. What are your siblings’ middle names?

6. What’s a song that puts you in the mood to dance/party?
Quite the opposite, parties put me in the mood to sing.

7. Where are you going on your next vacation?
Otakon, Baltimore inner harbor.  My only true vacation every year.

8. Do you get paid weekly or bi-weekly?

9. What color are your pillows?
Depends on the sheets.  Either dark green or light green.

10. Who are your closest friendS?
Jon, Jay, Mikey, Steve... maybe Danny.  Definitely my brother Adam.

11. Favorite aunts name?
Do I have to pick a favorite?  I have several aunts.

12. What hours do you work?
It's up to the whims of the boss.

13. Are you superstitious?
Perhaps a tad...

14. Whose motorcycle were you last on?
Oh  I don't waaaaa~aaaaaaa~aaaaaaant a pickle...

15. Do you have any friends who have an STD?
My best friend's wife is pregnant, does that count?

16. If the one person your mom despised but you liked died tomorrow, would you attend their wake and funeral?
My mom likes everybody.  People call her "the smiling lady".

17. You have $20 to buy the perfect shirt to wear tonight, where do you go?
I will buy two shirts at Value City.

18. You come home after a night of drinking, what do you hope is there to eat?
After a night of drinking, I've generally already been to Denny's.

19. How many calendars are in your house?
What's a calendar?

20. Have you ever been confused over two relationships at once?
There have to be two relationships ton confuse for that to happen.

21. Who is the last person that made you laugh in person?
Mikey I think.

22. Over the phone/internet?
Uhh... Nobody tonight...

23. Name one of your ex's mother's names?
Again, one must have an ex...

24. Do you miss high school?
Not really, I'm much more socially active these days.

25. What color is your bra?
What color is YOUR bra?

26. How many pairs of sneakers do you own?
Two.  One for work, one for not work.

27. What kind of lotion is closest to you?
At the moment, whatever I'm using on my recent ink.

28. Whats on TV this second?
Shit, I wish I was filling this out twenty minutes ago, I could have said Astro Boy.  Right now, it's Futurama.

29. What helps you sleep?
Masturbation and/or alcohol.

30. Are you thinner than your best friend?
I weigh less, but I have less muscle mass, so I don't know.

31. How much would you get if you traded your car in?
My car is worth about $2000, but dealers wouldn't give me that because they suck.  S'ok though, because my car is awesome and I'm not trading.

33. Last time you saw your dad?
9:30 last evening.  Just before I left for the bar.

34. You're on the phone having a really boring conversation...How do you end it?
*long silence"  Well, I guess I'll let you go...

35. Last time you babysat?
I have never sat on a baby.  Who wrote this?

36. Next dentist/gyno/doctor appt?
That's a good question.. with no insurance, I really don't have any idea.

37. How often do you do laundry?
Roughly once a week.

38. What commercials are your favorite?

39. Have you ever been prescribed narcotics?
Codeine when I had my wisdom teeth out, I guess.

40. Dumbest movie you have ever seen?
Dumbest?  Jackass: The Movie.   Worst?  House of the Dead.  Most fun?  House of the Dead.

41. Have you ever copied someones tests?
I bought and turned in someone's bug-collection project in high school.

42. What's hummus made of?
Chic-peas or something.

43. When’s the last time you used a slip and slide?
Not since I lived in Newtown and the neighbors down the street had one when I was like seven.

44. Favorite girls/boys names? [My future kid's names]
If I have a girl, her name will be Rally, and I will have her playing Street Fighter and watching Robocop.
If I have a boy, I don't know what I'm going to do, all the nerdy boy names are retarded.

45. What’s annoying you right now?
Even though I know the "final" numbers for Otakon, there's still the possibility of cancellations and rearrangements.

46. What did you eat for dinner tonight?
Barbecued pork chops!

47. Do you have a crush on someone from the workplace?
Perhaps.  Not like it's consequential.

48. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
A little from column A, a little from column B.

49. When's your grandma's birthday?
My grandmother was born?

51. Who can you depend on to post the best surveys?
Just about the only person that ever posts surveys is Kelly.  So you, Kelly!  I'm not calling you Bean, your name is Kelly.

53. How many rings do you wear daily?
Just my cockring.  You decide for yourself if I'm joking.

54. Any tattoos?
Three, many more planned.

55. Name 3 people you worked with today?
Linda, Sarah, and Bob.

56. Favorite summer cocktail?
Gin and Tonic.  Favorite ANYTIME coctail.

57. How much gas is in your tank?
Ask the mechanic, I don't know how much they used.

58. Last book you bought?
the Silent Hill:  Dead/Alive TPB.

59. Plans for today/tonight?
I went to the bar after work, and I'll be going to bed soonish... or not.  Then more work tomorrow.
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