
Jan 02, 2010 15:19

So, I'm nothing but a bitch =/ Heh. FORGIVE ME, LJ. I'll never leave this long again. And I get the feeling I'm being honest this time ...

Now, let's see :) let's go with the short and dirty version of what's been happening since my last entry. Keep in mind, that despite all this, I'm reasonably stable ;)

& I scored a house with Yvette: an awesome chick, fellow vegan and lecturer at the art school. Things started fine, continued fine, and were awesome until earlier today ... when I got an e-mail from her (I've been staying with my parents over Christmas and New Years) saying that her ex-husband wants to sell his share of the house. Yvette can't afford to buy his share so she get's to lose her house, and I get to be kicked out. Sigh. I have 2 months to find a new place and find a new job in the city before semester starts.

& My girlfriend and I split up. Long story short: she was on pot, which would have been fine if not for how abusive she got while she was on it. She always felt horrid for it and I always forgave her, but in the end the guilt was too much for her and she left me. Right before a camping trip I was going on with my friends. I was ready to stick it out, to help her through her problems, but shit happens. I was a bad friend on that camping trip, and smoked a lot, but I've kicked the smokes to the curb and rarely drink. I think my new drug is The Sims 3 but I think that's better than cancer-sticks and booze.

So those are the two major points of interest. I've been surprisingly Zen about most of it, really. Except where I work. Customers give me the shits. I'm not cut out for customer service, no waaaay ;)

So how are you guys? ^_^ Have a good Chrissy, New Year?


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