Finally - an update!

Oct 25, 2009 17:16

So, let's try again!! I'm not going to give excuses for my absence because I'll sound like a broken record. But I will say this: my current aim is to post AT LEAST once a week.

I'm living in the city now!
Finally! I scored a great place with a local artist, Yvette, who I interviewed for a year 12 assignment a few years ago - lol! I was bludging from looking for a house, checking facebook, and there it was: a note on her profile about how she needed a house mate!! It's a fucking stella deal too. I'm currently living in Yvette's studio because she is off on a six week residency looking after some rehabilitating wildlife, and the other chick isn't moving out for another week. Someone needed to be here to look after the cats when she moves, so here I is. I'm only paying $50 rent at the moment, but when I move in properly I'll be paying $150 a week, which is the minimum you could possibly get in the city. And this is the deal: I get two rooms (the entire up-stairs of the house!) and free wireless internet. The phone bill is almost free as we use Skype mostly, so other than a tiny phone bill, all I have to pay is electricity and rent. I'm a 15 minute walk from the CBD and my girlfriend's house.

AND I get to live with heaps of animals: a dog (part time), 3 cats and 3 rats. Yvette and her ex husband share custody of the dog, Mitch. The cat's are Max (who has been blind most of his life due to an untreated eye infection as a kitten), Mister Blue (a big ol' ginger cat who gives the best snuggles ever!) and Lola (a terribly abused cat with mental issues. We rarely see her because she likes to sleep outside and is frightened of ... everything). Lola and I had a breakthrough last night and I got to snuggle her for a while ^_^

AND THE RATS ARE MINE! My girl's (Z) house mate's rat had a litter and I wasn't going to have one, but I met Hammond (Ham for short) and couldn't leave him alone - so I nabbed him. I later chose his brother, Dexter (Decky for short), because you're not meant to have only one rat. Then it turned out there was only three boys in the litter, so I nabbed the other one too, Oscar (Ossy for short). Pictures anyone?

Here we go:




Me and Dexter

They're the loveliest pets. Affectionate, funny, gorgeous, and so easy to look after! I change their bedding every second day, and other than rat pellets and wild parrot mix, they eat pretty much whatever I'm eating: they always get a bit of my cookies, fruit, veg, salad. They have a particular love for avacado (which I hate but just buy for them), grapes, peas and corn.

What else ... Z and I are going pretty well. We have ups and downs, which everyone has (although we might have more, because we're both on medication for anxiety/depression, so we have ups and downs individually too).

Also, I enrolled for Uni next year. Part-time, Sociology and Philosophy. FINGERS CROSSED!

Alright, Terri signing out before this get's too long!

rats, update, pictures

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