Jun 07, 2009 09:29

And singing songs by old black chicks :P

So, kids, I am, hopefully, back for good. I realise I've only been coming here when I need to have a whinge but can anyone say "laaaaame"? Like, have a cry Terri. So, while I can't promise there wont be the occassional whinge, I do promise to be as interesting as possible with as little whinge as possible. I promise I wont be growing an emo fringe about it any time soon.

I figured I'd start with what's been on my mind lately, then I'll have a bounce around my friends journals and make up for lost time. A special appology to ilovemybaby who has been faithfully replying to my whinging and not recieving anything in return - I'm so sorry, but I'm coming out of my funk now and you're the first journal I'm gonna visit. I hope you've been well and I really miss your insightfulness, your inspirational love story and your cute-as userpics :)

"So what's been on your mind, Terri?"
  • Life. Future. Changing. Compassion. Love. Lust. Time. Direction. Finding peace. Bathtubs.
  • THE HOST! I want it more than I want to BREATHE, you guys. Must ... read!
  • Twilight. I kind of abandoned Supernatural for reading and rereading Twilight. But I still read and listen to Supernatural fic! I lost all my audiobooks the other day and almost cried LOL
  • I'm sure more has been on my mind that this ... It's so busy running a small store - you'd never guess it. I didn't. But nevertheless! Orders, refilling fridges, refilling shelfs, refilling fast food, cooking, serving, answering the phone ... my official hours are 9 to 5, but I usually work 8 till 6:30pm >_<
  • Heh ... so I guess that's it. But hey, it was mostly happy, right? :D


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