"Oh baby don't you know I suffer? Oh baby, can't you hear me moan?"

Apr 05, 2009 15:35

"You caught me under false pretences ... how long before you let me go? Ooooooooo ... You set my soul alight .... ooooooooooooo ooooo ooooo, you set my soul alight ...."

Hi guys :)

I am tired and brain-dead but I'm gonna try to make this somewhat interesting. Starting with a (short, I promise) rant about my psychology course, continuing with an observation and ending with a promise. 
So. Psychology. We have lectures. "Wow, Terri, every class has lectures except Japanese because it's super win". Yes, but, PSYCH 101 (otherwise known as "FAIL"), has BOTH lectures one after the other. 2 hours straight, once a week, of what I'm sure is the most boring shit the field of psychology has to offer. It was our Psych lecturer who told us that a lecturer can only hold a students attention for 40 minutes! (Then, on that day, me and Simmi also have a Sociology lecture in the same room, straight after. THREE HOURS, YOU GUYS!).

NOT ONLY THIS. But this boring lecture crap is more or less ignored in the TWO HOUR PRACTICAL we have a week. So we have lecture work and textbook study, then prac work and study which is at the very most, distantly related to the lectures.

NOT ONLY THIS. But the major essay topic IS NOT AT ALL RELATED TO THE LECTURES OR THE PRACTICALS!!!!!!!!! They just give us a heap of information then kick us out on our asses saying "Now you get to write an essay which is COMPLETELY IRRELIVANT TO ANYTHING YOU'VE LEARNED!"

O_O Assholes.

"I thought I was a fool for no one ... oh, baby I'm a fool for you ... you are the queen of the superficial, how long until you tell the truth? Ooooooooo oooooo oooo you set my soul alight ...."
Now, I'm working on an assignment that's due tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. And I'm starting to today. Yes, this is the third time I've done this so far this semester. And I have no idea why. I mean, come on ... we get the assignment at least two weeks before it's due, surely I could have managed to have time to do it before now, right? RIGHT. I've had plenty of time. I think the problem is a mix of my love for the social oportunities of University life and something a little more troubling.

Lately, I've been exceptionally unperceptive. From little things, like not realising the weather has gone from sunny bright to pissing rain while I've been outside, to bigger things ... such as this: Logically, in my head, I know I've known this assignment deadline has been looming. I'm sure I've thought of it, at least in passing. And yet, when it's actually here, I have no memory of thinking anything to do with it. Not "I don't wanna", not "I'll do it later", not "it won't be that hard" ... just, nothing. Then it's here, and I'm like "shit, why on Earth would I leave this till the last minute?" and I have no answer, not even a bad one.

"Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive."
And so, my promise: I'm going to work hard at keeping my organisational diary and keeping my timeline in perspective. This has to stop before ... well, very soon, as at the end of this month I have three major essays due, worth at least 20% of my grade, 40% at most.

The problem is, I have so much happening in my head that I don't think it all fits. There's looming Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy essays, constant Japanese tests (and a freakin' speech), keeping up with lecture work, textbook study, tutorial readings and prac discussions. Then there's this girl I like who is too young for me and has a thing for her teacher who has a thing for her back, then there's my worsening "episodes", as I've come to call them, and general feelings of anxiety, depression and loneliness that I can never seem to deal with suffiently enough for them to allow me to full concerntrate on anything 100%. And I don't have time between all that to actually see someone about the problems. Well, it's Easter break as of Thursday, so I guess I can try for then, if Student Services is open.
"Ooooooo ... you set my soul alight ...."

ramblings, uni

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