Jul 28, 2006 09:44
1. Are you named after anyone? If so, explain.
No. My parents did that on purpose - they didn't want the relatives fighting over it. They've told me that they spent hours and hours and hours pouring through baby books, making lists of names, quizzing each other on distant relatives or people they knew at work that they disliked that had these various names. Then they matched up various combinations of first and middle names that sounded good with the last name, initials that didn't spell any words/company names, and female first names that would sound okay with lots of different last names.
2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?
Nope. I do know that if I were to have/adopt a female, I wouldn't want her to have an "ie" or "ette" ending to her name, since I don't like those in general. I also generally dislike odd spellings of "common" names. (However, if I were to adopt, it'd be more likely I'd adopt a boy.)
3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been?
4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why?
I don't know. Probably not Jennifer, though, since it's so common. And I don't like most Jennifers I meet.
5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?
The most common ones are: Jen, Jenifer, Jeniffer, and Jenniffer. Luckily, mispronunciation isn't an issue (though it is with my last name.) And it drives me up the wall when people call me "Jenn" (and especially "Jen") if they barely know me or haven't asked if it's okay. At least people don't automatically call me "Jenny" like they used to...