A Nutshell of our Trip so Far

Nov 25, 2007 09:36

Betty, aunt Claire's friend who lives in NJ prepared twenty pies and cakes in anticipation of our arrival for Thanksgiving dinner. There were so many yummy things to eat - can't recall them all. Mary and Randy (Claire's parents) were delighted to have us hosted and we came home with our bellies full.

Friday - slept in late and took the SI Ferry to and back and the sky has been blue until now. At one point Haim disappeared somewhere and watched the vista of the Statue of Liberty without Ivry and remembered those early school trips. It's nicer though to see it from all distance including the memories.

Walked back from Battery Park back to Westbeth where my mom lives in the West Village. Yvette my mom's home attendant had lovingly prepared tons of food including a turkey and lasanga and vegetable plates , but ended up eating at Ray's pizzeria instead since we were hungry and didn't bring any food from home. Bah.

Saturday proved to be a little more than amazing...

So we visited Book of Wonders in its new Chelsea location. Read a book, another and another and finally one about a boy getting used to using the potty to find it had been published in Tel Aviv by an established author we both know; we were happy to receive this book as a gift from Aunt Claire who intuitively knew it was the one book he loved the most.

We went over to the Farmer’s Market over at Union Square and 14th street and took in the aroma of the cider, honey apple pie but ate all our freshly prepared turkey sandwiches since we brought them from home. Claire commented how our habits were so similar to those of her parents. :-)

This time of year is special and even more so when I am walking alongside so many special places. We walked through a pile of thick yellow leave and Claire knew again what Ivry liked so three them high up in the air. What a laugh. I can still hear it now.

I’m thankful that we can still afford to come to NYCand spend quality time with my mom. We put on a Cole Porter song , downloaded its video format and posted it on our family blog for the first time. http://ivrydavid.blogspot.com This first video proves that music is a timeless healer.

Another visit proved to the Mid-Manhattan library proved that libraries are timeless places too - down to the same chairs, tables, and bathrooms I sat and used when I was in High School. Checked out a few books for research for my book to read today and Xerox them tomorrow. (I still prefer though the accessibility and the user-friendliness of the Squirrel Hill library)

Walked around Bryant Park as a final stop before passing through the Disneyworld of Broadway to catch the 8th venue train downtown to the Village and made headways with memories just to see the ice-skaters fill the rink at Bryant Park, packed like you would not believe with with exquisite smells and sights to fill up my memory bank once again.

Claire had picked up a bag of cashmere sweaters and scarfs from god knows where, and we showed off our wares while Haim showed off his exquisite 10 buck corduroy coat. Lovely Christmas/Hanukah freebies. Nothing like it.

It sucks to know that we are leaving in less than 2 days. I really miss having my very close friends nearby (I’ve known Claire since I was 10)and I really don’t want to deal with too much newness after all we’ve been through. And I miss very much NYC - I would love to live in West Village again; however it would mean we would have to live with mom. It bothers me so that she’s seven hours away.

And a final yay! We’re having dinner with the Bassetts down the hall. Tomorrow candle lighting at Lincoln Center. May there be lots of light in your life.

A few todo’s:

1.       Read the slim research books from the library before returning them tomorrow.

2.       Pack for Haim’s trip tomorrow back to PittsburghL

3.       Make a writing plan.

4.        ?

I'm on skype now with some friends from our kibbutz in Israel - so time to cut short. Happy Sunday!

todos, mom, claire, friends, nyc trip

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