Feb 22, 2007 22:44
At times, during weekends and holidays, I wish for things to be different. Lets take this holiday e.g., I wish I had started to study for the test way earlier! That I knew its curriculum/syllabus all ready.
Every weekend I think; this weekend am I going to get a whole bunch of homework done, clean the house and my room. No social life for you this weekend little girl. But do I ever manage to do it NOO.... I wish for internet to be down, all friends to be out of town etc.
But when I think about it it would be bloody stupid because I would grow tired of school in no time. And I am sick enough of it as it is, out of one simple reason; school steals time from the things I actually want to do;
be social, exercise, take photos and get my room the way I want it, not to talk about the fact that I want to work.
But seriously, when I plan on studying for a test, I place my self by the desk/table to study and what happens? My brain starts to moan. Why does that happen? Is it like it know I'm not going to stop to study before I'm sure I know it all, and then goes all scared on me? Or what?
I really want to study, I'm so tired of all of these almost marks;
x+, and in history, be my guest call me spoiled, but I want a 6 for one times sake, not these bloody 5+, 5/6 or 6/5. I want a clean mark. And I do not wish for it to fall down and become a 5 or 4 or something like that. If I got a mark like that would I turn rather sad because I know I can better and it would all happen because I didn't have my priorities straight.
Enough moaning about school and all that, time to call my boyfriend.
I miss his voice, it's so calm and caring. It makes me feel important somehow, and cared about. Yes, I know my mom probably care about me but at times it's hard to see that she does. And he probably make a lot of other persons that way, which makes me less special? Doesn't it? Nah, kidding, there must be a reason for him being together with me and not any of the other girls he knows. Oh, I care about him loads I really liked sleeping next to him last night, it made me feel really calm. And I'm a bit scared of sleeping alone to night. I'll probably wake up and walk around in the apartment with my Sami knife talking to the "burglars", who isn't there, which is going to make me a complete psycho who walks around in her apartment talking with her self about who might be somewhere in the darkness. Hmm, maybe I should sleep with all of my casual clothes on in case a raper finds it good to break in.
But back what I was meant to do now; call my wonderful, great, caring, sweet boyfriend. ^^