Drabble Series: 16 is My Age! Here's A Gift Fic to Me!

Jun 10, 2010 22:45

Drabble 16 of 20:  Text

Pairing:  None but hints of Victoria/Gabe

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship. Any events here are purely fictional.


Barely contained laughter filled the quiet room as Alex desperately tried to stifle his snickers while hiding under the hotel bed of Gabe’s room.


For today it would be the day when he and Ryland brought down the The Ultimate Prank (capitalize especially to show the importance) on Gabe Saporta, so-called Prank King and his Queen Vicky-T.

The four of them, he and Ryland vs. Gabe and Victoria, have been in this prank war for months now with no apparent win for their side. Whatever they did to the two was always topped off by an impossibly (grudgingly admitted) brilliant prank.

They swapped Victoria’s shampoo contents with dye/glue? Ryland wound up using actual glue as shaving cream.

Gabe got tricked into eating prunes and wasabi hidden in his cereal? Well, Nate ended up with Viagra in his soda when he was relaxing at the pool.

They almost threw in the towel after the Paper Mache Incident. Sneaky bastards slipping sleeping pills in their drinks…

But today? Ohhh, they were going to be the official winners in this war! Thanks to Nate, who always sadly got caught in the crossfire, decided to side with them to win this war. If it meant being able to eat his food and drinks without fear of prunes/wasabi/Viagra/sour cream/chilli pepper, he would be more than happy to help.

Hiding in the clothing cart was disgusting (and traumatizing) but was worth it. While the maid was too busy getting the towels and replacing them, Alex scrambled out of the cart and into the bed.

And here he was, waiting…waiting…waiting…

His cellphone vibrated in his hands and he checked to see that it was a text message, smiling a wide smile that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous.

Subjt: Prank!

From: Guy Ripley

King&queen r going 2 the pool now. hurry & start our prank!

Alex texted back:

Subjt: Awesome

From: AlexS

k. txt me when they com bak.

Not wasting a second, Alex scrambled out from under the bed along with his bag of arsenals and ran into the bathroom, trying not to cackle like the evil genius that he was.


It took an hour, some boo boos and a lot of ‘fuck it, oh shit’s to finish it but Alex had to admit, this was worth it.

He stepped back and admired his work; glad to see that their devious plan looking so…so…so normal. Alex was so proud of himself on his successful attempts to make it so innocent and bland.

Who would think that someone would cover the bathtub with sprinklings of itching powder and cover the fact by also adding Victoria’s scented powder? Or carefully placed confetti, glue and glitter in between Gabe’s towels that he always leaves on the table that’s next to the bathtub? And glue all the alcohol/water bottles’ caps?

Always beware the most normal looking of things.

Alex was going to pat himself for a good day’s work when his cellphone vibrated again. Jumping a bit in surprise, he forgot about it while he setting up the prank, he fished the phone from his pocket and checked to see the message. It was from Ryland, again.

Subjt: GTFO

From: Guy Ripley

King&queen r leving go now

He didn’t need more motivation than that. Gathering all the evidence and stuffing it into the bag, he ran out of the bathroom, quickly exited the room and disposed the bag without anyone noticing.

And he was back at Stage One when he entered Nate’s room to join Ryland and Nate. Wait.


They didn’t have to wait long though. Victoria and Gabe came back, laughing and talking to each other loudly as they went back. They obviously had a bit too much while they were at the pool. There was silence as Gabe opened his hotel door, let Victoria in first and closed the door.

“Wait for iiiit,” Ryland said, “Waaaait for it…”

Satisfyingly, there were sudden sounds of Victoria shouting, Gabe cursing, something crashing and some more crushing specifically from Gabe while Victoria tried to soothe the savage beast that was her boyfriend.

“Gabe,” Victoria said, “Please calm down! I’m sure the glue can be washed off from your legs! And your arms. And your chest…”


Ryland smirked as he recorded the ruckus on his own cellphone while Nate and Alex tried not to die of laughter.


…me too. D:

Sorry if the prank wasn’t funny at all. My brain was trying desperately to find a good one and it died on me. Apologies if this seems too rushed, the next one will be better. Honest!

humor, wtf, fanfiction, just for lulz, drabble, cobra starship, crack

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