Drabble Series: 15 is 2/3 of 20! I Suck at Math, I Know.

Jun 09, 2010 11:55

Drabble 15 of 20: Flowers

Pairing: Gabe/William

Disclaimer: I do not own Cobra Starship or The Academy Is…. Any events here are purely fictional.


White Camellia (You’re adorable)

William kept receiving letters and gifts from a secret admirer for quite sometime. Now, he was going to meet the person in front of the water fountain.

He was somewhat nervous. What if this was just a prank the others pulled on him? What if the person decided to skip it? William knew he shouldn’t freak out but-

“Hey Bilvy.”

At the voice, William turned around and saw Gabe, his long time crush/best friend, standing there with a single white camellia in his hands.

Gabe said as he winked at him, “I think you’re cuter when you blush like that.”

Apple Blossoms (Good fortune)

When it was his first date with William, Gabe had just realized he had forgotten to get Bilvy a gift and some flowers. It wouldn’t be much of a problem if he wasn’t already there and had just knocked on the door.

Panicking, he noticed the apple tree that stood in the front lawn and saw the apple blossoms. What luck, he thought as he quickly went over to it.

William was quite pleased with the pretty white flowers and blood red apples he had gotten from his date, so William kissed him on the cheek as a thank you.

Juniper (Protection)

William was shocked to open his door to see a bloody but happy looking Gabe standing on his porch.

“It was just some skinheads harassing me and I didn’t mind,” Gabe explained, “I was just ignoring them and walking away when they had to drag you into their trash talking. No way in hell I was going to let them say shit about you.”

He smiled at Gabe and Gabe sighed; pulling out a bouquet of squashed junipers from his coat pocket and gave it to him.

“Happy birthday baby,” Gabe said, “I promise the next bouquet will actually live.”

Purple Hyacinth (I’m sorry)

Gabe fucked up once again and William had enough.

William vowed that he would never take the bastard back as he stormed out on the Cobra Starship vocalist, determined to keep his vow. He ignored his e-mails, blocked his phone and avoided the older man.

He would never forgive him.

But when Gabe came to his apartment, with the ‘I-fucked-up-please-let-me-try-to-make-it-better?’ look on his face and a large bouquet of the loveliest purple hyacinths he had ever seen, William sighed, smiled at Gabe (giving the man hope) and said:

‘Fine, but we need to put down some ground rules now Gabe…’

Mistletoe (Kiss Me)

William knew he had an eccentric boyfriend, but he didn’t think Gabe would actually come by to his recording studio, during his break time from recording, with mistletoe on his head. It was December, yes, but still.

“What are you doing?” William asked seriously but the smile on his face showed he wasn’t mad. “Are you high or something?”

“Nope!” Gabe replied, “I just want to have an excuse to kiss my baby.”

He ignored the cat calls from the others as Gabe pulled him into a passionate kiss. No way was he going to complain about something like this.

Pink Rose (Appreciation)

Gabe knew roses were a cheesy thing to give, and even he had to draw the lines of cheesiness sometimes, but he thought they were appropriate for this occasion. It’s not everyday that you have your boyfriend move into your apartment.

“These are beautiful!” William said, taking the roses into his hands when he had presented them to him. “Thank you Gabe, these are so gorgeous.”

“Beautiful things for a beautiful person?” Gabe said in mock shock, “I’m surprised!”

William rolled his eyes but Gabe knew he liked being appreciated. Gabe vowed to make sure William always feels like that.

Pear Blossoms (Affection)

William wasn’t that affectionate, contrary to what the fanfiction writers think. He didn’t like it when people touched him or got too close to his personal space. Least you were Gabe of course and you could avoid his personal space all you wanted.

They were right now under a pear tree, looking at the beautiful white flowers after a lovely make out session, both still warm and relaxed from the glow.

“I love you,” he said to Gabe.

“I love you too baby.”

And they kissed under the tree as the wind blew the beautiful pear blossom petals off it.

Several Daffodils (Happiness)

Gabe was never a morning person. He would rather in his and sleep till the afternoon, thank you very much. If it somehow involved William, he was willing to wake up at 6:30 A.M

It was worth it. It was obvious the moment he opened his eyes and saw that his bed was covered in bright yellow daffodils as the sunlight filtered into his room, letting the flowers practically glow.

Did he also mention the ‘naked-except-for-an-apron’ William standing beside his bed, holding a tray filled with his favourite breakfast meals?

“This is the best morning ever,” he said while grinning.

Daisy (Innocence)

William was pure in his own way. Sure he cursed, drank and fucked like any another guy, but there was something in him that made him so…delicate and sweet without any effort on his side.

Gabe wouldn’t tell William, but he saw the man as his guardian angel sent down to protect him. No matter how cliché that sounds now.

And so their first year anniversary of them dating, Gabe thought it would appropriate to get a necklace with a daisy on it. He had heard from Ashlee that it meant innocence. That and it went well with William’s eyes.

Yellow Iris (Passion)

Gabe was passionate. He put his heart and soul into everything he did. No matter how long it took, Gabe would do it and give all that he got.

So it was no surprise (kind of) when William woke up one day, looked out the window to see his front yard with freshly planted yellow irises arranged to spell out spelling out ‘I LOVE YOU BABY, MARRY ME? GABEY BABY’.

And he wasn’t surprised to see Gabe standing next to his new flowers, still covered in dirt and smiling at the man as he held out an open ring box.


Hey look, more actual drabbles! I’m getting the hang of this.

This work went through a lot of change when I was still writing this. Whoo! Originally, this was supposed to be George/Ringo but a friend YMed me while I was writing this and asked to make it into a John/Paul when I mentioned the fic. Not wanting to be rude, I did but it suddenly turned into Gabe/William because I could.

Thanks to this site for the meanings behind the flowers.

Slight edits thanks to bookxbutterfly's point outs! Thanks a lot.

humor, love, fanfiction, cobra starship, bands, gabe saporta, the academy is

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