Meme5: T'Was Too Big! Music Quiz Part II

May 28, 2010 22:00

What’s that, Avi? You want to join in as well? Alright!

Will I get far in life?

What Goes Around Comes Around by Justin Timberlake

Happy: You’ll do well in life and all. Concerned in terms of how you act with others.

You’ll be successful, happy and all the jazz. Be careful though, don’t hurt or backstab someone for your own gain.

That’ll come back to bite you in the ass somehow, harder and with some irony thrown into it if life wants to be bitch and you’ll have no one to relay on after that happens.

How do my friends see me?

Upgrade U by Beyonce feat. Jay-Z

Happy: If you’re in a relationship (what’s with my I-Pod giving out relationship songs? I need to upgrade this later…): You’re the real reason why your person is so successful right now. You pull the strings, try hard to help someone get some fame and success and you don’t want any recognition. As long as they give you something in return, you’re happy.

They see you as a shrewd, clever woman with a sharp wit. You have the Midas’ Touch. Anything you do turns to gold.

Where will I get married?

Break The Ice by Britney Spears

Happy: Yes!

And you’ll be the one proposing since the other is too ‘cold’ or nervous to do it themselves.

You do it because you want to move forward the relationship to something else because you see potential but you have to make the first move to make the other feel more comfortable.

What is my best friend's theme song?

What Is This Feeling by Wicked Original Cast

Happy: Apparently you first hated each other’s guts when you first met and vowed to ‘loathe’ one another for the rest of your life. The differences between the two of you were too much and it certainly looked impossible to resolve.

You also, no offense, have a shit load of Unresolved Sexual Tension with the other person. I am not shitting you on this one. I swear to God.

What is the story of my life?

This Love by Maroon 5

Happy: Always helping and trying to save someone who is getting into trouble even when they just leave you in the cold. You don’t mind because you simply want to help out of devoted (and really blind) love for them. Even if it’s stressful and tiring seeing them leave all the time, you let them go.

Because you know one of these days they’ll come and stay for good. It won’t be now or later but it’ll happen soon. Until then, you just help them and let them go even if it ‘takes your toll’ on you.

What is/was highschool like?

Pocketful of Sunshine by N.B

Happy: High school seems to be tough on you, seeing that you want to go ‘away’ for ‘better days’ and a ‘hiding place’ where you only know. But at the same time, you won’t let the pressure and issues break you down because you’re pretty damn optimistic.

How can I get ahead in life?

You’re Not In On The Joke by Cobra Starship

Happy: Not letting others see the real you and simply controlling yourself around people. Your ability to adapt to others’ expectations of you and letting them think who they think you are and playing it up for them.

If people see you as a ‘cold’ person because of the way you act like that, too bad. You’re going to act like this so no one sees the ‘joke’ you’re playing on them after all this time. You can be nice if you want to but you won’t let anyone take advantage of you.

What is the best thing about me?

Simle for the Paparazzi by Cobra Starship

Happy: Ohai surprise! I promised myself that if two songs by Cobra Starship came up back to back while I did this, I’ll write a drabble for the person that I was doing it for. So Avi gets another drabble. Yeah for you!

Anyways: Simply get ready for the sacrifices that come with being a famous person. You need to give up a lot of things to achieve what you want and watch out for those hangers that just want to use you. Best advice of all: Don’t be afraid to do something stupid and when the paparazzi see you, just give them a big smile.

How is today going to be?

Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson

Happy: You’re going to fall in love!111!APPLE!!!

That, or realize that you can’t do everything and finally accept help from that one person who keeps offering to help you.

What is in store for this weekend?

We Belong Together by Mariah Carey

Happy: From what the video tells me, you’re going to get married but a sudden flame will come back and you’ll have conflicting feelings about what you’re going to do now. You’ll dramatically wonder what to do, complete with arm gestures and ponder what to do.

In the end, you’re going to run away with the flame when you decide that he’s worth it and leave behind your family and friends and groom to start a new life somewhere else.

Why do I have such a feeling that isn’t going to happen?

How is my life going?

Piece Of Me by Britney Spears

Happy:  Somewhat difficult since others have been trying to hassle and harass you but you won’t let them put you down. If they want to say what they’re saying, you’ll just shrug off the words and keep on walking. They can talk the talk but you can walk the walk.

What song will they play at my funeral?

Telephone by Lady Gaga

Happy: You probably wanted your loved ones to be able to still feel happy even when you’re dead. They shouldn’t just think of the depressing things that happened but remember your love of life and the fact you don’t want them to be sad because you’re gone.

So you arranged the song to be played and leave instructions for them to dance damn it. That, or you really wanted to just show you had a sense of humour (they can’t ‘telelphone’ you now since you’re dead!) and leave an amusing memory for them.

How does the world see me?

One Of Those Girls by Avril Lavgine

Happy: A gold-digger that pried on other men and simply used them for their wealth.

Again, blame my I-Pod. It’s feeling bitchy for having to play so many of these songs. Alright…you look for guys that want companionship and also have deep pockets.

You then charm them with either your ‘eyes’ or something among those lines. When you were either bored with them or think they couldn’t afford you anymore, you left them high and dry to go look for the ‘next one’. It didn’t matter to you if you broke their heart or not. You just wanted money damn it.

Will I have a happy life?

Tango Maureen by Rent Original Cast

Happy: Not really.

You’ll be ‘freezing down’ to your ‘bones’ and be deep in work (‘tangled’ in the work) and your lover is going to drive you crazy over your insecurities over the relationship. You feel like they’re not really faithful in the relationship and manipulate your feelings to get their way (‘pout [their] lips’).

Worst of all? You’ll realize all of this when you’re with your lover’s ex and make you realize that they’ve been through the same as you (no cheating yet BUT…) at the moment. You think you might as well because you’ve ‘tangoed at all’.

Off note but I laughed while listening to this song. Because I’m part of the forums where we have a swear filter. For ‘fuck’/’fucking’ the replace word is ‘tango’.

How can I make myself happy?

Tik Tok by Ke$ha

Happy: Wake up with a hangover; brush your teeth with a bottle of Jack Daniels and go out to get drunk with your friends. Helps if you act pretentious to guys who are hitting you since you want someone that ‘looks likes Mick Jagger’. At this point, I question your taste in men.

Simply have fun and just let it loose. Even if the ‘po-po’ gets involved.

What should I do with my life?

Hot Mess by Cobra Starship

Happy: Man my I-Pod loves to give contradicting answers.

Just act like a ‘hot mess’ and party hard! If you’re feeling like doing something crazy, go do it and never look back. Your wild child personality and hijinks will certainly attract a lot of guys to you and your posse and you’ll feel popular with them. Simply be bold enough to do it and don’t wince when it’s all over.

Careful because a guy might make you his ‘boo’ when you’re by yourself while your friends at with you. Whether you like it or not. So remember to bring pepper spray with you just in case!

Will I ever have children?

Lay All Your Love On Me by Amanda Seyfried/Dominic Cooper

Happy: Due to your passionate and steamy relationship with your lover (‘don’t go wasting your emotions’ and ‘lay all your ‘love’ on me’), you’ll certainly produce kids if you’re not careful.

If you have kids, try to tone down the smooching. Children should be exposed to the vertical tango done by their parents until the age of 16. When they are 16, THEN you can go scar them for life.

What is some good advice for me?

How To Save A Life by The Fray

Happy: The song is one big advice song concerning how to talk to someone over sensitive issues. Simply ask the person to sit down and talk about it, hold your ground and, if the person sadly wants to keep the issue going, give them an ultimatum.

This might not end well so be careful when you’re using this.

What is my signature dancing song?

Waking Up In Vegas by Katy Perry

Happy:…what the hell do you want me to say about this?


Who’s next? Well…wait.

This might be mean to others. I shouldn-OHAI CAFFY!

If someone says "is this ok?", you say?

Find Your Way Back by Michelle Branch

Happy: You apparently tell others to come back to you when asked if they look okay in a dress or need to lose weight. Either way, they may interpret this as your attempt to tell you that they look fine no matter what and they shouldn’t attempt to change themselves.

That or restraining order time.

What would best describe your personality?

Angel by The Corrs

Happy: You’re attempting to follow someone else’s personality because they were kind, unique and just believed in her no matter what others thought of her.

You admired the person for not caving into pressure and going by her own pace. Her ethereal presence made her seem so beautiful to you no matter what she wore or said because her inner beauty shined through.

She died sadly and you want to honour her by remembering her spirit and not letting someone like her be forgotten. Even if it’s hard and difficult to hold her up, you’ll continue to do it because you’ll be proud to be like her. Even if it is a little bit.

What do you like in a guy/girl?

Déjà vu by Beyonce feat. Jay-Z

Happy: Their ability to make you feel drunk on their mere scent. The fact they’re making you do stupid things and blurt out stupid things intrigues you since you never let that happen to you. You don’t give a damn if you sound like a love sick fool around your friends.

You hope that you have the same effect on the person and they feel the same way you do. They certainly don’t want to go with anyone else because of you.

How do you feel today?

Santa Fe by RENT Original Cast

Happy: You just want to pack your bags and leave your life behind. You feel like you’re not giving your best efforts in the atmosphere you’re in and maybe Santa Fe will change that. The whole lifestyle you reside in isn’t something you thought you would be in by now.

Starting a new life with a fresh start is appealing to you with the endless maybes and ifs that’ll come with it. You want to be successful and happy at the same time, not stuck with something that pays low or leave you with a shallow feeling. Live, damn it!

What is your life's purpose?

Pop Is Sooooo ’05 by Cobra Starship

Happy: A rather vicious cycle of celebrity life with the media and your fans like all of the celebrities of this generation in your attempts to spread your work and talent to others.

You’ll be famous and well-loved at first with something you’ve done but you got to ‘pay your way back in’ after sometime. Meaning you have to work harder to gain their approval and show that you’re not a one trick pony.

What is your motto?

Makes Me Wonder by Maroon 5

Happy: Self-explanatory, I guess.

What do your parents think of you?

I’m Like A Lawyer With The Way I’m Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) by Fall Out Boy

Happy: Well, ignoring the sexual contents, which is a lot by the way, your parents feel bad for always having to do something else instead of spending time with you and not being able to be there for you. And that is it because if I try to explain more, it would hit incestuous zone and I would invoke Dude Not Funny trope.

What do you think about often?

Little Wonders by Rob Thomas

Happy: You think about the little pleasures of life, no matter how tired and depressed you are. You count your blessings whenever you’re down on your luck and think positive on the situation. At the end of a stressful day you ‘let it go right off your shoulders’ because the ‘hardest part is over’. You did your best and that should count.

What is 2+2?

Crushcrushcrush by Paramore

Happy:…uhhh…what the fuck?

What do you think of your best friend?

Tuesday Morning by Michelle Branch

Happy: You have a close relationship with them, wanting to stay with them because they make you feel safe (and you don’t want to be ‘alone’) and may have hit cross-roads with them at the moment. Over something, most possibly over the status of where you two are, that you feel like is important enough to try and keep memories of the person you are with (taking pictures) and thinking hard about it (pacing around the room).

You two talk to each other over a lot of things and like to just be with one another and you don’t want to lose those moments with your friend. But if it does happen, you’ll be the first person to leave because you don’t want to be the one left behind.

What do you think of the person you like?

The Best Damn Thing by Avril Lavgine

Happy: The person you like isn’t what you cracked up to be and, to be honest; you know you’re the ‘best damn thing’ the person has had in a while. But the person has to realize your needs in the thing you’re having with them.

What is your life story?

I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco

Happy: You’re someone that believes in being frank when it comes to the topic of honesty, and not giving a damn if the person you’re talking to get offended if you curse at them or not. You want to face the situation with ‘rationality’ and odd attempts to show the positive of the problem you’re having. You don’t let it get under your skin, liking your sense of ‘poise’ and staying cool under pressure.

Even if your bridegroom is a whore /shotshotshot/

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles

Happy: Well…this is depressing. This is about a woman, the titled person, who is lonely and hoping for someone to finally take her in. She picks up rice from the wedding in a sad attempt to feel the emotions the bride and groom felt on the happiest day of their lives. She apparently lives in the church, putting on a ‘face’, most likely make up or a smile, in attempt to have someone notice her and maybe love her.

If you know this song, you know this doesn’t end well. She dies alone in the end and Father McKenzie, the other person of the song, is the only person at her burial after giving a sermon that no one will hear.

To make this short, let’s hope you don’t grow up to be like this.

What do you think when you see the person you like?

Nice Guys Finish Last by Cobra Starship

Happy: Haha, oh wow. I’m sorry but I’m laughed harder than I should have when I heard this song. Anyways:

You apparently think that the person is a ‘nice guy’ but too much of one. You want him to be a ‘bad boy’ and treat you like ‘dirt’ because that’s what you want in a man! Right?

Well, obviously not. This song is completely sarcastic, meaning that you’re just joking in your head about this type of thought and love the person the way they are and hope them never ends up as a Jerk Ass to you and any other girls out there. Not all girls want bad boys.

What will you dance to at your wedding?

Independent Women by Destiny’s Child

Happy: Why do you keep coming up, Destiny’s Child?

This song is to show that you’re still independent, being able to bring in your own money and not depend on your husband, and that your husband needs to realize you’re not a ‘princess’ that needs to be saved.

For full effect, dance this with a group of other women, single or married, to prove your point a bit more. Bonus if you practiced dancing!

What will they play at your funeral?

Lovegame by Lady Gaga

Happy: You apparently want to scar your children and grandchildren for life at your funeral. Along with your other friends, family, co-workers and then some! Since this will most likely be played along as a video of you and your husband are…playing, If You Know What I Mean, the aforementioned Lovegame.

If so, you are freaking awesome.

What is your hobby/interest?

I Never Loved You Anyway by The Corrs

Happy: Celebrating when you finally get out of a bad thing with a person and letting the other girl know that you’re happy for them and you also wish her luck with the person. You also want to tell the person flat out that you never really loved them and you’re glad they’re going away now so you can go find something else that truly makes you happy.

What is your biggest secret?

Leave (Get Out) by Jojo

Happy: You’re going to confront your boy for his cheating ways during school, so let the others know about his scumbag ways. You won’t do it now but when you’re certain that he thinks you’re in denial or have proof of his ways. Like leaving a message on your best friend’s cellphone, maybe?

You feel like, in a way, that the while thing is your fault in a way but you push those feelings aside and tell the person to GTFO now. It hurts that you need to do this but you won’t let him hurt you anymore and he is leaving your life. Even if you need to beat it into his head, he needs to get out.

What is the worst thing that could happen?

Womanizer by Britney Spears

Happy: Your own lover finding out that you’ve been cheating on them with multiple people and they confront you about it after you had those flings with someone.

Even worse if they have proof of these liaisons, showing that they knew about it and simply hoped that you would admit it before they had to resort this confrontation. In the end, the person leaves you after that and most likely your family and friends know about this now as well. Yeah.

How will you die?

Where Is Your Heart by Kelly Clarkson

Happy: You commit suicide out of depression because your loved one makes you feel like as though they are not really attempting to try and put their heart into this. Those smiles, kisses and hugs ‘seem’ good but don’t ‘feel’ the emotions into it. The person doesn’t try to fix it or simply waves off your concern about the whole thing.

Finally can’t take enough, you kill yourself after the person does it again to you and it is the last straw. Wow, I got to stop listening to Kelly Clarkson.

What is the one thing you regret?

The Kids Are All Fucked Up by Cobra Starship

Happy: From what I can tell from this song, I’m a fan but even I have trouble trying to understanding some of their songs, you’re with someone that your parents or others wouldn’t approve of. Most likely their current or past actions that gave them a bad reputation with them, but you don’t care about that because you don’t believe in it or find it cool instead.

Due to that, you and that person hang out in secret and have fun. But don’t let anyone else know because you fear, if they do, your parents will stop you from hanging out with them and cut all communication with the person.

What makes you laugh?

Bug a Boo by Destiny’s Child

Happy: Seriously, DC, stop popping up on my fucking I-Pod.

You find a guy who is trying to impress you to be funny, especially if they try to hard. As in they blow up your phone with messages, try to impress your parents, follow you around all the time and call you 24/7. Instead of finding that frustrating, you find it kind of funny that this guy is trying so hard to get you.

What makes you cry?

Defying Gravity by Wicked Original Cast

Happy: You and your friend just had a fight over something important and due to this, you chose opposite directions in life now. Your friend wants to ‘defy gravity’ by defying the people after something someone powerful did and stand up for themselves.

You try to convince your friend to not do it but they refuse. This is their choice and you cannot stop it. All you can do is wish them luck and hope ‘[they’re] happy’ with their choice and not regret what they’ll do in the future.

Will you ever get married?

SexyBack by Justin Timberlake

Happy: Ahh…you’ll be a hell of a lady/mankiller for a while, going after other people’s lovers and you are in some pretty kinky things (whipping, slavery, etc) when you’re with someone.

Most likely you will get married but for now you just want to have some fun with others before you settle down with 2.5 children and house with a white picket fence.

What scares you the most?

Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson

Happy: Falling in love with a doomed person. They’re too deep in their problems and actually love the danger and consequences they are in. You want to help but realize your life would ‘cave in’ if you did because they’ll drag you down with them. All you can do is watch them destroy themselves in their beautiful ruins and decay.

Does anyone like you?

Misery Business by Paramore

Happy: No, sorry. But you might want to hurry up and get that person you’ve been eyeing because someone else will get them instead when you attempt to.

If you’re willing to wait, you can still have that person and have a big ‘smile’ in the end because you managed to get them without relying on fake shit (like the ‘good girl act’) and actually try to earn the person’s affections.

If you could go back in time, what would you change?

The City Is At War by Cobra Starship


Um…this means that you want to be active in some sort of chaos that happened before in where you lived and have fun in it. The chaos and confusion in the place intrigues you and you wished you could have been able to join.

Due to all the fights, drug, money and drama that was there, you desperately want to know what it was like to be someone against the law and be part of the apparent glamorous life of a criminal.

You want to join in and just fuck around for a while, dabble in this and that and experience the high life. Careful though. You might wind up on ‘T.V’ and not in a good way.

What do you really think of love?

You Could Be Loud As The Hell You Want (When You’re Making Love) by Avenue Q Original Cast

Happy: You know when to behave when it comes to the matter of the heart (and body) like in public and know how to act in the ‘opera’ or at a ‘play. But when you’re doing the vertical tango? Screw the others! You’re getting down and they can just wait until you’re done.

I’m not kidding you.

What hurts right now?

Oops I Did It again by Britney Spears

Happy: You accidentally lead someone on without knowing what you did. They really believed that you wanted something with them with all the signals you were showing to them. They really thought that you loved them and you cared for them besides the shallow relationship you have with the person right now.

And you hurt their feelings when you tell them, honestly, that you don’t want to be part of something serious at the moment. You don’t mean to be a tease to the other person but it just happened

fanfiction, adventures, bands, i-pod, music, last minute shit, annoyance, cobra starship, meme, attention whore, wangst

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