It Happens All The Time: Fridge Horror

May 26, 2010 16:06

We go through this all the time and we don't know what it is. That's the problem with some trope names, you know?

Right then, let's have an example of this so you get the gist of this one!

If you're reading this, that means you have a LiveJournal account. Let's say you're popular enough to have lots of friends and hang out with them whenever you're on here. But, naturally, you won't tell them your real name or anything like that because your parents taught you better. That also means no swapping of Yahoos or Skype or anything like that.

The only way you can contact your close friends is through your account.

[kissass]Where would we be without you?[/kissass]
Eh, it doesn't seem that hard, right? All you have to do is get on a laptop/computer, go to a place where there's internet and log on. Easy.

What happens if you die?

All of the sudden. Boom. Just like that. You're dead a door knob and everyone knows about it. Your family. Your real life friends. Your relatives. Your...wait, your internet friends don't know. They don't know your real name or have any other way to contact your parents to ask what happened to you after you refuse to reply to them. Soon enough they'll simply move on with their lives and forget you. They never know what happened to you and may never will.

THAT, my friends, is Fridge Horror.

And this is not Fridge Horror. Get it right folks!
TvTropes explains:

"Fridge Horror is, simply put, when something becomes terrifying after the fact. Maybe you thought about this or that plot point a little too hard, and suddenly you realize that everyone was trapped in stasis forever, or that the lovable child will grow up in a world where everyone around her is dead."

It means after a certain event, like a revelation of something or during/after an intense scene, you stop and pause about what had happened to think about it more. When you hit a thought that makes perfect sense but it terrifying and the creators didn't realize it when they were doing that, that's Fridge Horror.

Did you ever wondered what will happen when Andy and Molly die and no one else wants them?
It usually happens in two ways:

Immediately: 'Oh hey! Bumblebee, an Autobot warrior in the middle of a bloody war with bloodthirsty and cruel Decepticons, doesn't have a voice process and needs to use the radio to communicate! Ha ha! Wait...shit'.

Much later: 'The only way you can kill a vampire is by breaking them apart and burn them? You're a shitty author, SMeyer!'

'...wait, what happens if you break them apart but you don't burn them? Does that mean they're still alive? Shit.'

This happens, as I've noticed when researching this (no sleepy time for this author!) article, that this trope happens a lot in fantasy, science fiction, horror (duh) genres more often. But action and thriller isn't far behind.

DON'T think about what happened to the people in those cars during their fight. Especially the fact a good chunk of them were SUVs.

It's really awkward when you invoke this trope, right? After you realized the true horrors of that one event in Pokemon (mine is that I MIGHT have killed my rival's Pokemon in the S.S. Anne. Whoops), you can't look at it again without going 'oh shit' or you attempt to do everything but that ONE event to spare yourself (and the NPC/character/movie) mercy?

Even harder when someone else does it with no problem whatsoever and you can't help but think they're Complete Monsters in a way. You know they don't mean to but they are taking in way too much delight in what's unfolding before their very eyes.

Victory doesn't taste so sweet anymore. Isn't that right, RED?
I've been starting to think about this trope a lot (read: yesterday) since my neighbor's kitten died peacefully in her sleep. You see, my house and my neighbor's house are in between this unused lot where people throw everything away. Trash, tires, toilet seats (I shit you not) and then some.

When I was going to visit another friend's house, I bumped into the neighbor's maid and told her to give the poor owner my condolences on the passing of the baby cat. At that point, I couldn't help but wonder where they buried the pet so I can give my personal respects. So I asked.

The maid's response? She pointed to the fucking lot. She then explained that's where all the dead pets go after they died and where they are buried. Cue me having a sudden flashback of my yaya taking my beloved puppy away after it got run over and saying she 'buried [her]'.

That meant my time I've been here, 11 - 12 fucking years, I've been living next to a unofficial pet cemetery. Where my puppy might be.

Respectful burial my ass.
Situations like that happens to dampen your mood or view on certain things now. How the hell can you look at that again without thinking 'MURDERER' or 'MONSTER' written all over it? You feel odd and somewhat sad now whenever you think of it and just wish for it to go away.

Well, tough luck. It'll stay with you for a long time but there's nothing you can do now to change it, right? All you can do is simply move along and try to enjoy life to the fullest (or maybe write some sweet fanfic about it. The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing is amazing) even with those odd thoughts. For every horrible thought, there's two more good ones out there.

Remember my puppy? I realized that my puppy at least lived a good life with me and had the luck to be buried with respect by my nice yaya. Along with the cat. I actually checked it out and saw a little makeshift gravestone (made of cardboard, mind you) that shows the owner's devotion.

Life is full of nasty surprised but we shouldn't let that get us down. If we do let them get to us, we'll become like Peter and Claire from Heroes. Annoying as fuck because we won't shut up about the bad things in life throw at us.

Go to hell, Emo-Sponge and Whiny Cheerleader Who Fucked Everything Up.

fuck, writing, it happens all the time, segment, humor, real life, annoyance, wtf, crack

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