Feb 11, 2006 22:46
Cool so, last night was the valentines day activity night. It was fun, you know, nothing unusual. i thinik that i have this basic need to just dance every once-in-a-while. I had so much fun just going crazy with my friends (even though like 3 lights were on in the gym--- (they were afraid that kids would start radomly making out because it was the v-day dance :p) Although by the end of the night I was completely exausted. i went to sleep over Kayla's house but i ended up falling asleep (in my clothes) while we were watching TV. Then i came home this morning and went to gymnastics. And after that i got ready to go to the mall and i was off! Nici, Audrey, Catherine, Lori and I shopped around for a while-- trying on super expencive dresses at cache`. The whole time i was looking for a pair of capris at Hollister (no Julie's friend, i am not a shallow poser...) and as soon as i had given up and everyone was done-- i saw this pair as we walked out the door. I figured we could go back later and pick them up so like 10 min before Audrey's mom came to take us to the talent show i ran to Hollister to try them on. But, no surprise, it was super crowded and i wouldn't have been able to get them in time anyways, so i just left. So now theres $60 (babysitting-- a lot...) burning a hole in my pocket. Oh Well~ We then went to the talent show and I got to go on stage to help this guy preform a magic trick. After that went home and now I'm here, writing, to no one inpreticular.... LIFE ROCKS!!~