Dec 23, 2011 12:47
1. I have a serious, serious urge to take up pipe smoking. I want to be a pipe smoker. I think it would be badass. Plus, I just freaking LOVE the smell of pipe smoke. I can't help it. My grandfathers both smoked pipes (though they both quit a long time ago). My next-door neighbor has always smoked a pipe. I grew up with the sweet smell of pipe tobacco wafting through the air. I'd forgotten how much I liked it until this year, when I made friends with one of my classmates who is a consummate pipe smoker. WHAM, the nostalgia and love for the scent hit me full-force. I've been thinking of taking it up since summer, but I keep holding off, thinking it's some kind of bizarre phase that will pass. Because tobacco isn't cheap, and there's the whole mouth and lung cancer thing that isn't so appealing. But if I were to keep it as an occasional, social kind of thing...? I want to be Gandalf and smoke a pipe and make magical shapes with the smoke! I want to smoke a pipe. I think I at least need to try it.
2. I also want to become a model train enthusiast. I want to build a whole little model town with tiny trees and cars and buildings and street signs and lamp posts and then I want to have a train go through it that may or may not result in some kind of terrible industrial accident at some point because that would be AWESOME that has a real whistle and puffs steam and EVERYTHING.
3. I wish I could grow a thick, beautiful beard. I could be a lady dwarf and walk around with a battle axe and chainmail and a helmet and have feathers and beads braided into my beard.
4. Y'know what? Can I just cut to the chase, and regenerate into a bearded, pipe-smoking old man with a basement full of model train sets? (Cuz I also want to wear the engineer's hat.) I think that would pretty much solve all of my problems, ever.