another post about death

Mar 28, 2011 08:13

This week the father of a girl we know passed away. He was a schizophrenic on medication, and I didn't have other clear details. We went to the wake to show our support for her. I know several other girls also went. Her aunt seemed very curious that she had so many friends, of different ages and walks of life. Annyway, that is an aside point. She told us that her father seemed to know he was going to die. He had become ill shortly before he passed, and his family wanted to bring him to hospital, but he refused and said he wanted to die at home.

I am curious about how people know that they are going to die soon. Most puzzling is my colleague's mother who died in an accident. Also slightly puzzling is this girl's father who knew he would die soon. On the other hand there are people who think they're going to die but then manage to hang on for a few more days. Like my friend who was also my other friend's husband. But I suppose a few days is a close enough prediction, in the scale of a life spanning decades. And that was different because he had cancer.

Last night I heard an anecdote from someone regarding his late grandfather. He had dreamt on Monday night of his grandfather, and in the dream his grandfather was complaining / nagging about random stuff, like "why don't you have a proper job, why do you smoke, why haven't you settled down and started a family yet". Then he found out from his mother that this year, all his aunts had forgotten about his grandfather's death anniversary, which was on Monday itself. I found that very cute. Not creepy even though it involves a dead person appearing to comment on current situations. Of course I can also explain it as this guy's subconscious, and coincidence of his aunts all forgetting his grandfather's anniversary. But that doesn't matter. I guess what stood out for me from the story is the possibility that dead people are still involved with our daily lives. I guess it is significant for the reason that it fits with my thinking; I do sometimes talk to my mother and grandmother in my head.


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