Jul 04, 2007 20:38
I am the peony blushing red, the swaying tree, the whispering wind
I am the steep path leading pilgrims to the gates of heaven
I am in words, in protests, in tears
I am a burn which purifies, a pain with the power to transform
I travel through the seasons, I shine like a star
I am Man's melancholy smile
I am the Mountain's indulgent smile
I am the enigmatic smile of He who turns the Wheel of Eternity
Empress (p. 318-319) By Shan Sa
I had been looking forward to going to Chicago with my parents so much so that I was ready to ask for time off. But than I started a new job, and it didn't work out. Its irritating cuz everyone's like I'm going to the Bahamas, Poland, Florida. Well good for you, no need to rub it in. Even the new girl Dianna has vacation, so why don't I get any vacation? Am I just not good enough for them or something?
Thanksgiving if my grandmother goes back to Florida, my parents are going to drive down there, which means if I have the funds I'll be taking a trip on a plane. yay. I haven't been on a plane since my uncle passed away and that was like in '95/96 or so, whenever it was when I was in fifth grade. I've been to Florida a million times, there's nothing new to see... well besides Jacksonville. Don't recall if I've been there before, the glimpse I got was pretty enough though...
I'm not going anywhere out of state and its been bumming me out lately. I've been absolutely miserable because of it, and I just wanna get out of NYS for just a little bit. Damn you new job... I was going to go to Chicago!!!!! Damn.
I'm gonna go now. this time this didn't help at all. meh...
Happy Independence Day...