My new friend Ashley: So, this summer, my friend (and future roommate come September), Ashley, and I started hanging out a bunch. I’ve known her through Carly for the past two years (technically three if you count those times I visited Emerson freshmen year) and we’ve hung out in the same group of people a lot, but this summer we’ve started to become closer. I enjoy her company a lot, she’s so nice, and really fun to drink with, haha. I feel like we will co-exist perfectly next year. I can’t wait!
Hey Ashley! Thanks for inviting me to the museum today. Art is cool. And Siobhan (hope I spelled it right) is cool, too :) See you tomorrow probably! One of these days we gotta go hunting for boys. (<--- Yeah… So, Derek’s kinda gone. He decided that running away from his own demons made more sense than dating me. I told him you only live once what the fuck are you doing, but when I realized he was still being crazy, I just dropped it and figured it’s probably for the best. It sucks because I really liked his personality, but whatever. I’m over it...)
My new friend Dan: Lately, Ashley’s ex-boyfriend, Dan, has been coming into Boston on the weekends, so I’ve been hanging out with the two of them a lot. (See my post on June 14th.) Dan is awesome, he is the least judgmental person I’ve met EVER.
One day, when Dan was at my place and Ashley was at work, I went to my livejournal page to check for updates. Dan glances at the screen and goes, “Oh my god. You’re… I used to read about you!”
I’m like, "...what?”
He goes, “I used to keep up on your livejournal… I’ve been reading your life for years! Oh wow… I’ve always wanted to meet you!”
HAHA. Apparently he had randomly clicked on my name through Ashley’s friends’ livejournals at the beginning of freshmen year and thought it was interesting to follow my life’s happenings. It was so fucking weird! Here we are in real life, newly good friends, and suddenly… It was so interesting to think about how he combined the me he knew and the me he had known online since 2006.
I instantly had a mnillion questions to ask him. We had a ton to talk about and, so, became close friends super quickly. We have this… intense amount of sane -ness underlying everything about our relationship. He asked if he could stay at my place for two nights because he needed to come to Boston and Ashley was out of town. We smoked hookah and talked and enjoyed being alive. I love talking to him, he knows how to put people at ease and connect with them. Plus, he knows everything there is to know about science.
My new friend my hookah: That’s right, I bought a hookah!!! I LOVE IT.